Thread: merge statement gives error

merge statement gives error

Abhra Kar


       Trying to execute the following statement ---- 

merge into ABC as n using dual on (

when matched update set aaa=222, bbb=333

 when not matched insert (id, aaa) values (NEXTVAL(id),555);

but gives syntax error.What should be the proper syntax[ Parameter values are properly passed based on data type].


Re: merge statement gives error

Thomas Kellerer
Abhra Kar schrieb am 26.02.2018 um 16:02:
> Hi,
>        Trying to execute the following statement ---- 
> merge into ABC as n using dual on ( <>=123)
> when matched update set aaa=222, bbb=333
>  when not matched insert (id, aaa) values (NEXTVAL(id),555);
> but gives syntax error.What should be the proper syntax[ Parameter values are properly passed based on data type].

There is no MERGE statement in Postgres (there might be in Postgres 11, but not currently). 

You will need to use INSERT ON CONFLICT instead.