Thread: BUG #15072: Unable to get tablespace from pg_tables for new createdtable

BUG #15072: Unable to get tablespace from pg_tables for new createdtable

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      15072
Logged by:          rheman pessek
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 10.2
Operating system:   ubuntu server 16.04.3

Hi everyone.
I have created tablespace.

sudo mkdir /tbs_data
sudo chown -R postgres:postgres  /tbs_data
su - postgres
create tablespace tbs_data location ‘/tbs_data’;

Then I have create database and tables on that tablespace.

create database gescom_bis tablespace tbs_data;
\c gescom_bis;
SET default_tablespace = 'tbs_data';
create table voiture_bis (num int) tablespace tbs_data;

But when I run this the following query I have ans empty (blank result)

select tablespace from pg_tables where tablename='voiture_bis';

hence the tablespace name is not displayed.

But went I run the following query, everythins seams to work.

select oid from pg_database where datname = 'gescom_bis';
select relfilenode from pg_class where relname = 'voiture_bis';

Best ragrd.

Re: BUG #15072: Unable to get tablespace from pg_tables for new created table

Sergei Kornilov
It may confused, but works as documented:
tablespace field is "null if default for database"
According "create database gescom_bis tablespace tbs_data;" your tablespace tbs_data is default for this database.

regards, Sergei