Thread: PG Admin 4 Connection to Python Anywhere

PG Admin 4 Connection to Python Anywhere

I recently upgraded to PG Admin 4, and I wanted to connect to Pythonanywhere
using the SSH tunneling.  Unfortunately in PG admin 4 SSH Tunnelling looks
like it has been removed.

How can I connect PG Admin 4 to Pythonanywhere without the ability to use
SSH tunneling?


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Re: PG Admin 4 Connection to Python Anywhere

Murtuza Zabuawala
Steps I use to connect over ssh,

1) Open ssh client (you can use PuTTY or any other ssh client)
2) I create a SSH tunnel to remote host( using below command.

murtuza@debian:~/projects/pgadmin4$ ssh -L 9999: murtuza@

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Last login: Sat Oct 14 13:07:52 2017 from

3) Now open pgAdmin4 and add new server as host: locahost & port: 9999.

Murtuza Zabuawala
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 3:57 AM, asantoro <> wrote:
I recently upgraded to PG Admin 4, and I wanted to connect to Pythonanywhere
using the SSH tunneling.  Unfortunately in PG admin 4 SSH Tunnelling looks
like it has been removed.

How can I connect PG Admin 4 to Pythonanywhere without the ability to use
SSH tunneling?


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