Thread: Difference in behaviour between 9.6 and 10.1: GROUPING with ROLLUP ,difference in order and error with unnest


I've been running some aggregation queries in PostgreSQL 9.6.6 for some time, but the same query under 10.1 throws errors and produces results in a different order.
Reproducing the trace under both versions below:

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trace 1: PostgreSQL 9.6.6 -------------------------------------------------
demo=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 9.6.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
(1 row)

demo=# create table tags (id text, tags text[], qty int);

demo=# select * from tags;
 id  |    tags     | qty
 A01 | {tag1,tag2} |  10
 A02 | {tag1,tag3} |  20
 A03 | {tag4}      |  30
(3 rows)

demo=# select id, grouping (id), sum(qty) from tags group by rollup(id);
 id  | grouping | sum
 A01 |        0 |  10
 A02 |        0 |  20
 A03 |        0 |  30
     |        1 |  60
(4 rows)

demo=# select unnest(tags), grouping (unnest(tags)), sum(qty) from tags group by rollup(unnest(tags));
 unnest | grouping | sum
 tag1   |        0 |  30
 tag2   |        0 |  10
 tag3   |        0 |  20
 tag4   |        0 |  30
        |        1 |  90
(5 rows)

-------------------------------------------------- Trace 2: PostgreSQL 10.1 -----------------------------------------------------
demo=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 10.1 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609, 64-bit
(1 row)

demo=# select * from tags;
 id  |    tags     | qty
 A01 | {tag1,tag2} |  10
 A02 | {tag1,tag3} |  20
 A03 | {tag4}      |  30
(3 rows)

demo=# select id, grouping (id), sum(qty) from tags group by rollup(id);
 id  | grouping | sum
     |        1 |  60
 A01 |        0 |  10
 A03 |        0 |  30
 A02 |        0 |  20
(4 rows)

demo=# select unnest(tags), grouping (unnest(tags)), sum(qty) from tags group by rollup(unnest(tags));
ERROR:  aggregate function calls cannot contain set-returning function calls
LINE 1: select unnest(tags), grouping (unnest(tags)), sum(qty) from ...
HINT:  You might be able to move the set-returning function into a LATERAL FROM item.

Question 1: Was the ordering of the aggregate rows always undefined? Under 9.6.6 it was always at the end of the base rows, under 10.1 it seems to be usually at the beginning of the corresponding block of base rows.

Question 2: Is the error regarding aggregate function calls under 10.1 as planned or is it a bug?

-  Srix.

>>>>> "Srikanth" == Srikanth M K <> writes:

 Srikanth> Question 1: Was the ordering of the aggregate rows always
 Srikanth> undefined?


In the absence of an ORDER BY clause, the ordering of result rows is
_always_ undefined. It just so happened that prior to pg 10, ROLLUP was
always implemented by sorting, so it appeared to produce results in a
stable order (even though this was never guaranteed). PG 10 added the
ability to do grouping sets via hashing, which is a significant
performance advantage in many cases, but means that the order of rows
will be more variable.

 Srikanth> Under 9.6.6 it was always at the end of the base rows, under
 Srikanth> 10.1 it seems to be usually at the beginning of the
 Srikanth> corresponding block of base rows.

If you don't use ORDER BY, you can't make any assumptions about the
order of results.

 Srikanth> Question 2: Is the error regarding aggregate function calls
 Srikanth> under 10.1 as planned or is it a bug?

That I guess is fallout from the changes to how SRFs in the targetlist
are handled. SRFs in aggregate function arguments weren't really allowed
before, but while GROUPING() is syntactically an aggregate function, it
does not in fact evaluate its arguments (the arguments are simply
matched to grouping expressions). Before pg 10, the restriction would
only kick in at runtime (as "set-valued function called in context that
cannot accept a set") and only if the SRF call wasn't itself a grouping
expression (because if it was, it'd be evaluated before the grouping

Commits 0436f6bde and 9c7dc89282b added explicit parse-time checks for
SRF usage in a number of contexts. I don't think it was intentional that
it errors on this specific kind of query. The more interesting question
is why check_agg_arguments_walker recurses for GROUPING when it does not
for actual aggregates; this is probably my code originally, so I will
need to dig up exactly why that is.

The workaround (which is arguably a better way to write the query in the
first place), as suggested in the error HINT, is to move the unnest to a
lateral call:

select tag, grouping (tag), sum(qty)
  from tags, unnest(tags) as tag
 group by rollup(tag);

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

Thanks so much for the detailed response, Andrew. That clears up things quite a bit for me.
As you suggested, I had already re-structured the unnest query so that really wasn't a major issue.
I also incorporated explicit ordering, so all is well!

Thanks again for your time...
- Srix

On 2 February 2018 at 12:54, Andrew Gierth <> wrote:
>>>>> "Srikanth" == Srikanth M K <> writes:

 Srikanth> Question 1: Was the ordering of the aggregate rows always
 Srikanth> undefined?


In the absence of an ORDER BY clause, the ordering of result rows is
_always_ undefined. It just so happened that prior to pg 10, ROLLUP was
always implemented by sorting, so it appeared to produce results in a
stable order (even though this was never guaranteed). PG 10 added the
ability to do grouping sets via hashing, which is a significant
performance advantage in many cases, but means that the order of rows
will be more variable.

 Srikanth> Under 9.6.6 it was always at the end of the base rows, under
 Srikanth> 10.1 it seems to be usually at the beginning of the
 Srikanth> corresponding block of base rows.

If you don't use ORDER BY, you can't make any assumptions about the
order of results.

 Srikanth> Question 2: Is the error regarding aggregate function calls
 Srikanth> under 10.1 as planned or is it a bug?

That I guess is fallout from the changes to how SRFs in the targetlist
are handled. SRFs in aggregate function arguments weren't really allowed
before, but while GROUPING() is syntactically an aggregate function, it
does not in fact evaluate its arguments (the arguments are simply
matched to grouping expressions). Before pg 10, the restriction would
only kick in at runtime (as "set-valued function called in context that
cannot accept a set") and only if the SRF call wasn't itself a grouping
expression (because if it was, it'd be evaluated before the grouping

Commits 0436f6bde and 9c7dc89282b added explicit parse-time checks for
SRF usage in a number of contexts. I don't think it was intentional that
it errors on this specific kind of query. The more interesting question
is why check_agg_arguments_walker recurses for GROUPING when it does not
for actual aggregates; this is probably my code originally, so I will
need to dig up exactly why that is.

The workaround (which is arguably a better way to write the query in the
first place), as suggested in the error HINT, is to move the unnest to a
lateral call:

select tag, grouping (tag), sum(qty)
  from tags, unnest(tags) as tag
 group by rollup(tag);

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)