Thread: OmniDB 2.4.1 Now Available

OmniDB 2.4.1 Now Available

Monica Real Amores
2ndQuadrant announces the release of OmniDB 2.4.1
[] OmniDB is a
browser-based database management tool. It is designed to be a
powerful, yet lightweight, user-friendly and fast-performing interface
for PostgreSQL databases. OmniDB is fully backed by 2ndQuadrant’s
world-renowned 24/7 Production Support.

The updates and improvements included in this release are:

- Connections are now managed in the workspace, without losing
existing work and focus
- Autocomplete shortcut key is now Ctrl-Space by default
- New improved Find & Replace for SQL Editor
- OmniDB server now listens to the same port for HTTP(S) and WS(S), no
need for opening two ports in firewall anymore

This release presents bug fixes including:
- Improved autocomplete event handling
- Data grid can now copy more than 1000 rows/cols
- Improved performance for list sequence in tree view

For a complete list of changes, read the OmniDB change tracker here:

OmniDB 2.4.1 download is available here: and installation instructions are
available here:

About 2ndQuadrant
2ndQuadrant is the Gold Standard for PostgreSQL Products & Services
and consistently contributes enterprise features to enhance
performance, scalability, security, and stability in PostgreSQL.
Spanning 22 countries and 5 continents, 2ndQuadrant is the largest
single collective organization of PostgreSQL experts. We have adopted
the open source business model and are Platinum sponsors for the
PostgreSQL project. Our focus on service quality is reflected in the
consistent best-in-class NPS of over 75 for more than 2 years.

Monica Real Amores
Marketing & Sales