Thread: [PROPOSAL] bracketed-paste support for psql

[PROPOSAL] bracketed-paste support for psql

Geoff Winkless

It occurred to me the other day while people were talking about
pasting blocks of text creating problems, especially with tabs, that
xterm bracketed-paste support (also works in at least putty and
probably others) that would block curses handling and just paste as-is
would be a useful (and I'm guessing relatively simple) thing to add.

Is anyone already working on this?

If not, does anyone foresee any problems with the idea?


Re: [PROPOSAL] bracketed-paste support for psql

Peter Eisentraut
On 12/15/17 11:22, Geoff Winkless wrote:
> It occurred to me the other day while people were talking about
> pasting blocks of text creating problems, especially with tabs, that
> xterm bracketed-paste support (also works in at least putty and
> probably others) that would block curses handling and just paste as-is
> would be a useful (and I'm guessing relatively simple) thing to add.

You need to put

set enable-bracketed-paste on

into ~/.inputrc, then it works.

Peter Eisentraut    
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

Re: [PROPOSAL] bracketed-paste support for psql

Geoff Winkless
On 15 December 2017 at 17:13, Peter Eisentraut
<> wrote:
> You need to put
> set enable-bracketed-paste on
> into ~/.inputrc, then it works.

Hmm, looks like that requires a newer version of readline (v7) than I
have here.

Oh well, if support is already there (albeit unavailable) then I'll
leave it. No point duplicating effort.


Re: [PROPOSAL] bracketed-paste support for psql

Alvaro Herrera
Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> On 12/15/17 11:22, Geoff Winkless wrote:
> > It occurred to me the other day while people were talking about
> > pasting blocks of text creating problems, especially with tabs, that
> > xterm bracketed-paste support (also works in at least putty and
> > probably others) that would block curses handling and just paste as-is
> > would be a useful (and I'm guessing relatively simple) thing to add.
> You need to put
> set enable-bracketed-paste on
> into ~/.inputrc, then it works.

Thanks for mentioning this -- I didn't know if, and it's a nice feature.
I've been trying it for a few days and it seems to work pretty well.

There is a problem with backslash commands, though: the parser seems to
search for arguments to the commands all the way to the end of the
buffer rather than the end of the line, so if you paste this:

\d tab1
select * from tab1;

it fails in this seemingly very stupid way:

alvherre=# \d tab1
select * from tab1;
                Table "public.tab1"
 Column │  Type   │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default 
 a      │ integer │           │          │ 

\d: extra argument "select" ignored
\d: extra argument "*" ignored
\d: extra argument "from" ignored
\d: extra argument "tab1;" ignored

It would be useful to stop looking for arguments at EOL.  This behavior
is at odds with how backslash commands work elsewhere.

However, if you don't have a table named 'tab1', processing stops right

alvherre=# \d tab1
select * from tab1;
Did not find any relation named "tab1".

I think this would be fine in ON_ERROR_STOP mode, but I have that turned
off here, so it looks like a bug to me.

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services