Thread: psql -c "\copy table to test.csv with CSV" - french character iswrong


Tried to run:   psql -h db1 -U u1   -d d1 -c "\copy t1 to test.csv with CSV"

Problem:   French characters are not shown correctly.

Tried:   psql -h db1 -U u1   -d d1 -c "\copy t1 to test.csv with CSV ENCODING 
'UTF8' "   Got: \copy: parse error at "encoding"

Can you help how to copy french characters correctly into csv file please?

Thanks a lot.
. French characters show correctly in t1
. Client/server encoding: UTF8
. Cannot use super user: postgre
. Version 8.3.18

Re: psql -c "\copy table to test.csv with CSV" - french character iswrong

Pierre Chevalier Géologue

Which operating system are you dealing with on the client side?

For this kind of purpose, I have a handy script which does the job 
flawlessly, I've never had problems with any wéird frènch âccènts.

I don't use the \c command, but the COPY TO syntax, rather.  I can't 
remember the reason why, but it just works.

Here's the complete script:
  # pierre@latitude: ~        < 2017_11_23__19_07_35 >
cat bin/sql2csv
# (c) Pierre Chevalier
# Ce script fait un fichier csv à partir de la bd postgresql GLL_BD_NAME 
dans l'hôte GLL_BD_HOST, avec la requête en entrée
# This script creates a csv file from the postgresql database 
GLL_BD_NAME served by GLL_BD_HOST host, with the query specified as a 
double-quoted string input
#$1: requete
#$2: fichier de sortie .csv => bof, non, on redirige, plutôt
#$1: query
#$2: .csv output file       => bof, no, better to just redirect or pipe, 
echo "COPY ($1) TO stdout WITH CSV HEADER FORCE QUOTE *" | psql -X -h 

As you can see, only the last line is relevant.  I use the script as 
follows, after adjusting the variables are set properly:

  # pierre@latitude: ~        < 2017_11_23__19_07_35 >
sql2csv "SELECT DISTINCT opid, year FROM public.field_observations ORDER 
BY year LIMIT 10" > /tmp/rien.csv
  # pierre@latitude: ~        < 2017_11_23__19_07_35 >
cat /tmp/rien.csv
  # pierre@latitude: ~        < 2017_11_23__19_07_35 >

I'm doing this on Debian GNU/Linux, both on client and server.

In your case, you could try something like this (on one line):

psql -h db1 -U u1   -d d1 > test.csv


Le 23/11/2017 à 17:42, Emi a écrit :
> Hello,
> Tried to run:
>     psql -h db1 -U u1   -d d1 -c "\copy t1 to test.csv with CSV"
> Problem:
>     French characters are not shown correctly.
> Tried:
>     psql -h db1 -U u1   -d d1 -c "\copy t1 to test.csv with CSV ENCODING 
> 'UTF8' "
>     Got: \copy: parse error at "encoding"
> Can you help how to copy french characters correctly into csv file please?
> Thanks a lot.

Pierre Chevalier
PChGEI: Pierre Chevalier Géologue Et Informaticien    Mesté Duran 32100 Condom  Tél    :   06 37 80 33 64  Émail  : Tweeter:   PierreChTux  icq#   :   10432285  jabber:

> sql2csv "SELECT DISTINCT opid, year FROM public.field_observations 
> ORDER BY year LIMIT 10" > /tmp/rien.csv
Ok. Will use stdout then.

psql  -c "copy t1 to STDOUT with CSV" >! test.csv

Re: psql -c "\copy table to test.csv with CSV" - french character is wrong

"David G. Johnston"
On Thursday, November 23, 2017, Emi wrote: > > Tried: > psql -h db1 -U u1 -d d1 -c "\copy t1 to test.csv with CSV ENCODING > 'UTF8' " > Got: \copy: parse error at "encoding" > > You are mixing obsolete and non-obsolete syntax. The current syntax requires parentheses around the with options and all options written as key-value pairs. David J.
Hello, > > > Tried: > psql -c "\copy t1 to test.csv with CSV ENCODING 'UTF8' " > Got: \copy: parse error at "encoding" > > > mixing obsolete and non-obsolete syntax. requires parentheses around > with options and all options written as key-value pairs. I think you mean 9.x. My version is 8.x, and doc shows ENCODING 'encoding_name' only for 9.x. I will use stdout for 8.x. Thanks.