Thread: How to properly convert PostgreSQL timestamp to Java xsd:dateTime

How to properly convert PostgreSQL timestamp to Java xsd:dateTime

"Campbell, Lance"

PostgreSQL 9.5.4

Java 1.8

JDBC driver postgresql-9.4.1208.jar



I need to map a PostgreSQL timestamp to a field in a Java bean.  The Java bean was generated using standard XSD with the element type of xsd:dateTime.  The Class type Java is assigning to this field in the Bean class is XMLGregorianCalendar.



I don’t know the proper way to “get” the value from the result set and the populate the Java bean.  Your assistants would be very helpful.


Process I have tried:

In my Java XSD I have an element defined within a complexType:


<xsd:element name="startTimestamp" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0" />


I next generate the bean.  It generates this code in Java for the above field:


protected XMLGregorianCalendar startTimestamp;


public XMLGregorianCalendar getStartTimestamp()


        return startTimestamp;



public void setStartTimestamp(XMLGregorianCalendar value)


        this.startTimestamp = value;



In PostgrSQL I have this column in table_a:


start_timestamp timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),


I then select the data from the database in Java:


String sqlStatement = “select start_timestamp from table_a”;



I get this error:

The method setStartTimestamp(XMLGregorianCalendar) in the type MyObject is not applicable for the arguments (Timestamp)




