Thread: DatabaseMetaData.getColumns does not return full qualified type

DatabaseMetaData.getColumns does not return full qualified type

Christian Schröder
Hi list,
The "DatabaseMetaData.getColumns" method returns a result set with metadata for a table. This result set has a column
"TYPE_NAME",which should contain the database type name. According to the documentation, "for a UDT the type name is
However, the current implementation does never return a fully qualified value. This can be easily proven by creating an
enum(or a domain type) in a schema other than "public", using this type in a table and then querying the metadata for
The type name is fetched in the "getPGType" method of the "TypeInfoCache" using the following query (for database
version> 7.3): SELECT typname FROM pg_catalog.pg_type WHERE oid = ?. This query could easily be extended to fetch the
schemaname together with the type name. 
Is there  a reason for the current behavior? Or is it a bug? Should I create a bug in GitHub, or simply provide a
