Thread: [ANNOUNCE] Database Designer (aka PgMDD) meets PostgreSQL 10!

[ANNOUNCE] Database Designer (aka PgMDD) meets PostgreSQL 10!

Pavel Golub
Hello, community.

The  Microolap team is proud to introduce Database Designer for
PostgreSQL  (aka  PgMDD)  with  full  support  for  PostgreSQL 10, an
comprehensive CASE tool with intuitive graphical interface.

This release introduces preliminary support for PostgreSQL v10.

A  huge  amount  of  internal and architecture tasks were done either.
Updated   visual  controls  used  as  well  as  new  exception  tracer

Several  new sample models were added: “USDA Food database”, “Chinook”
and  “AdventureWorks  for  Postgres”.  There  are many changes and bug

   You're  welcome  to  download  the  Database Designer for PostgreSQL   1.12.0 right now at:

   Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our   Support Ticketing system available at

Full changelog:
   [!] SQL Executor and Validator support v10.0 grammar now   [+] “AdventureWorks for Postgres” model added as sample
[+]“Font Color” options added to Display Preferences   [+] “Font Color” options added to object editors   [+] “Quote
Defaultvalue” option added for Domain editor   [+] Chinook database model added as sample   [+] macaddr8 type support
added  [+] New detailed error dialog introduced for Reverse Engineering   [+] PARALLEL option added for stored routines
 [+] PL/sh procedural language support added   [+] PL/v8 procedural language support added   [+] SQL keywords are
properlyhighlighted according to 10.0 version   [+] USDA Food database model added as sample   [*] “Execution
interruptedby user” error dialog replaced   [*] “Modify process interrupted by user” message box added   [*] Copyright
infolabel updated   [*] Improved main window position and state restoring for maximized state   [*] Old unfancy loader
removed  [*] Reverse Engineering respects role permissions on sequences now   [*] Splash screen updated   [-] “‘Rules…’
pop-upmenu doesn’t work for tables on diagram” bug fixed   [-] “Comments not displayed for views on diagram” bug fixed
[-] “Domains with time and timestamp base types were reversed with 0 type modifier, e.g. time(0)” bug fixed   [-]
“EConvertErrorduring time out for SSH connection” bug fixed   [-] “ERangeError after applying some colors to model
background”bug fixed   [-] “Most Recent Used list of files for Access Import is empty after restart” bug fixed   [-]
“RareEAccessViolation during renaming references in the Reference Manager” bug fixed   [-] “Some views and stored
routinesneed to be redrawn after Reverse Engineering by Redisplay menu” bug fixed   [-] “Universal Reverse Engineering
returnsempty model for sources with schemas” bug fixed

With best wishes,Pavel                

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