Thread: Additional items for Win32 TODO list?

Additional items for Win32 TODO list?

Claudio Natoli
* various dlls (eg. cyrillic_and_mic.dll) dynamically link to externs
expected to be supplied by postgres.exe. Unless I'm waaaay off the mark
here, postmaster(.exe), acting in standalone mode, won't be able to
dynamically load these dlls.

* %e format specifier under Win32 prints 3 digits. Always. (Under *nix, I
believe it is at least 2). A bunch of tests fail solely for this reason (of
course, this is the least of our issues at this point)

* Magnus: Consider a pgwin32_signal_terminate, as exiting backends appear to
sometimes SEGV inside ConnectNamedPipe (ie. need to shutdown the signal
thread gracefully)

* SIGCHLD sending

Bruce, for this and other items on the list, can people put their hands up
to do the work and we mark it on your win32 list (so that we don't start
tripping over each others work in progress, like I/Magnus did on the signals


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Re: Additional items for Win32 TODO list?

Horák Daniel
> * various dlls (eg. cyrillic_and_mic.dll) dynamically link to externs
> expected to be supplied by postgres.exe. Unless I'm waaaay
> off the mark
> here, postmaster(.exe), acting in standalone mode, won't be able to
> dynamically load these dlls.

I have only a small remark about dynamicly loaded modules.

In the current state (in Cygwin) is postgres.exe manually linked as a
DLL, but with EXE suffix. So it creates an import library (with all
symbols exported = libpostgres.a) during the process of DLL creation and
all modules are linked with this library. I copied and modified the
process (which calls dlltool many times) very long ago (1998) from some
Cygwin docs about DLL creation.
I think it should be possible to use the same process in Mingw build
process for native PostgreSQL.

            Dan Horak

Re: Additional items for Win32 TODO list?

Andrew Dunstan

Claudio Natoli wrote:

>* %e format specifier under Win32 prints 3 digits. Always. (Under *nix, I
>believe it is at least 2). A bunch of tests fail solely for this reason (of
>course, this is the least of our issues at this point)

There is a long and mostly fruitless discussion of this here:

It appears the M$ is within the letter of the law for C89 but not for C99.

The only way I can think of to get around it would be to code our own :-(



Re: Additional items for Win32 TODO list?

Jason Tishler
On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 11:57:35AM +0100, Horák Daniel wrote:
> I copied and modified the process (which calls dlltool many times)
> very long ago (1998) from some Cygwin docs about DLL creation.  I
> think it should be possible to use the same process in Mingw build
> process for native PostgreSQL.

Agreed, but does Mingw's ld support exporting symbols directly from an
executable?  Cygwin's ld does:

If so, then maybe it's time to remove the dlltool stuff and make Cygwin
and Mingw more like the other Unixes (e.g., gcc -shared).


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