Thread: PostgreSQL Conference East, Early Bird Registration is now open

PostgreSQL Conference East, Early Bird Registration is now open

"Joshua D. Drake"
Join us March 25-28 in historic Philadelphia, PA for PG East 2010.
Registration is now open, and if you sign up before February 15, you’ll
receive a 20% discount on cost of registration.

This year promises to be an exciting conference. We want to bring
together those who build Postgres with those who are using it. We will
continue to have the core technically focused sessions, trainings,
tutorials and labs, but will augment them with case studies and end-user
sessions on how organizations are solving real problems using Postgres.

Unlike learning about Postgres from reading papers and developer's
guides, PG East allows users to participate in labs, network and
socialize with core community member and end users. The educational and
social opportunities will be a great way to bring the wider Postgres
ecosystem together.

We hope that you will join us for this groundbreaking Postgre

For more details on the agenda, and to register today for your Early
Bird Special, please visit the registration site at:

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