Thread: [BUGS] BUG #14847: "make check" fails 1 of 178 tests

[BUGS] BUG #14847: "make check" fails 1 of 178 tests

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      14847
Logged by:          Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 10.0
Operating system:   OpenMandriva Linux (kernel 4.13.5, glibc 2.26)

Running "make check" after building postgresql 10.0 results in

test stats                    ... FAILED
============== shutting down postmaster               ==============

========================1 of 178 tests failed. 

The differences that caused some tests to fail can be viewed in the
"/home/bero/abf/postgresql/BUILD/postgresql-10.0/src/test/regress/regression.diffs".A copy of the test summary that you
above is saved in the file

23:09:15.000000000 +0200
17:02:03.791369854 +0200
*** 8,14 **** SHOW track_counts;  -- must be on  track_counts  --------------
!  on (1 row)  -- ensure that both seqscan and indexscan plans are allowed
--- 8,14 ---- SHOW track_counts;  -- must be on  track_counts  --------------
!  off (1 row)  -- ensure that both seqscan and indexscan plans are allowed
*** 162,172 ****  WHERE relname like 'trunc_stats_test%' order by relname;       relname      | n_tup_ins | n_tup_upd |
n_tup_del| n_live_tup | 
!  trunc_stats_test  |         3 |         0 |         0 |          0 |        0
!  trunc_stats_test1 |         4 |         2 |         1 |          1 |        0
!  trunc_stats_test2 |         1 |         0 |         0 |          1 |        0
!  trunc_stats_test3 |         4 |         0 |         0 |          2 |        2
!  trunc_stats_test4 |         2 |         0 |         0 |          0 |        2 (5 rows)  SELECT st.seq_scan >=
pr.seq_scan+ 1,
--- 162,172 ----  WHERE relname like 'trunc_stats_test%' order by relname;       relname      | n_tup_ins | n_tup_upd |
n_tup_del| n_live_tup | 
!  trunc_stats_test  |         0 |         0 |         0 |          0 |        0
!  trunc_stats_test1 |         0 |         0 |         0 |          0 |        0
!  trunc_stats_test2 |         0 |         0 |         0 |          0 |        0
!  trunc_stats_test3 |         0 |         0 |         0 |          0 |        0
!  trunc_stats_test4 |         0 |         0 |         0 |          0 |        0 (5 rows)  SELECT st.seq_scan >=
pr.seq_scan+ 1,
*** 177,183 ****  WHERE st.relname='tenk2' AND cl.relname='tenk2';  ?column? | ?column? | ?column? | ?column?
!  t        | t        | t        | t (1 row)  SELECT st.heap_blks_read + st.heap_blks_hit >= pr.heap_blks +
--- 177,183 ----  WHERE st.relname='tenk2' AND cl.relname='tenk2';  ?column? | ?column? | ?column? | ?column?
!  f        | f        | f        | f (1 row)  SELECT st.heap_blks_read + st.heap_blks_hit >= pr.heap_blks +
*** 186,199 ****  WHERE st.relname='tenk2' AND cl.relname='tenk2';  ?column? | ?column?  ----------+----------
!  t        | t (1 row)  SELECT pr.snap_ts < pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() as snapshot_newer FROM prevstats AS pr;
snapshot_newer ----------------
!  t (1 row)  DROP TABLE trunc_stats_test, trunc_stats_test1, trunc_stats_test2,
trunc_stats_test3, trunc_stats_test4;
--- 186,199 ----  WHERE st.relname='tenk2' AND cl.relname='tenk2';  ?column? | ?column?  ----------+----------
!  f        | f (1 row)  SELECT pr.snap_ts < pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp() as snapshot_newer FROM prevstats AS pr;
snapshot_newer ----------------
!  f (1 row)  DROP TABLE trunc_stats_test, trunc_stats_test1, trunc_stats_test2,
trunc_stats_test3, trunc_stats_test4;


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Re: [BUGS] BUG #14847: "make check" fails 1 of 178 tests

Tom Lane
Date: writes:
> /home/bero/abf/postgresql/BUILD/postgresql-10.0/src/test/regress/results/stats.out2017-10-07
> 17:02:03.791369854 +0200
> ***************
> *** 8,14 ****
>   SHOW track_counts;  -- must be on
>    track_counts
>   --------------
> !  on
>   (1 row)
>   -- ensure that both seqscan and indexscan plans are allowed
> --- 8,14 ----
>   SHOW track_counts;  -- must be on
>    track_counts
>   --------------
> !  off
>   (1 row)

This suggests that the statistics collector didn't start up because it
failed to open a loopback socket.  The first few lines of the postmaster
log file should contain some indication of why.  Without seeing those
it's hard to do more than guess, but my first guess would be misconfigured
DNS leading to "localhost" not resolving, or maybe an overaggressive
kernel packet filter.
        regards, tom lane

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