Thread: [BUGS] Postgresql 9.6.5 not working in Windows Docker containers (bothNanoserver and WindowsServerCore base images)

Running Postgresql in a Windows Docker container seems to be impossible at the moment. 

I downloaded the EnterpriseDB binaries, setup a Docker file to extract the binaries into a Windows Docker container and then tried to run initdb.exe. I can't get past that step. Notice the second to last line in the output has an error. 

Inline image 1


FROM microsoft/nanoserver
LABEL maintainer=""

COPY ["", "c:/"]

RUN powershell.exe -Command \
Expand-Archive c:\ -DestinationPath c:\;


Directory Layout On Host
It looks like this in the directory.

Inline image 2

Other Ideas/Permutations I Tried Which Didn't Work

  • Tried using microsoft/windowsservercore as the base image instead. initdb.exe doesn't output anything. Not even the the error message you see in the above screenshot.
  • Ran initdb on my local computer and then dropped the pgdata files into the volume and tried running "postgres.exe" but that immediately exited with no output.
    • Inline image 3
  • Tried both Docker 17.09 (stable) and 17.10 (edge)
  • Tried an older Postgres 5.9 version of binaries

Environment Details
Docker 17.10 
Image: microsoft/nanoserver
Host OS: Windows 10
Postgres Version: postgresql-9.6.5

Paul MendozaCEO