Thread: [HACKERS] Logical Replication - test_decoding - unchanged-toast-datum

[HACKERS] Logical Replication - test_decoding - unchanged-toast-datum

Abhinav Singh

I am currently using PostgreSQL Community version 9.4.9 and then using this instance, I am doing logical replication(using replication slots). I have created the replication slots using the following query:

SELECT xlog_position FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('cjkimqvfuvixqyjd_00016389_e6f7c975_a311_4067_bcf1_a6accb57ab37', 'test_decoding')

So the issue that I am facing is because of the updates that are being done to my table. I was able to reproduce the same issue again using the following sample:
1. Table on the source(which is RDS PostgreSQL): 

CREATE TABLE public.toast_test1 
is_not_toast INT, 
is_toast VARCHAR(32767) 
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX toast_test_id_uindex1 ON public.toast_test1 (id); 

2. Insert some values: 

INSERT INTO public.toast_test1 
(is_not_toast, is_toast) VALUES 
(0, (SELECT string_agg(series::text, ',') 
FROM generate_series(1, 1000) AS series)); 

So basically, every time you execute the above query, a new row will be inserted. So execute the same for 4-5 times. 

3. So now I started my replication.

4. If for example, I am doing an update using the below mentioned query on my source instance: 

UPDATE public.toast_test SET is_not_toast = 1; 

5. On the target, when I do a select * and see that the column with character varying() datatype has changed to 'unchanged-toast-datum'. 

6. So on further checking the replication slot at the time, when I issued an update, I can see this:

postgres2@t1=> SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('cjkimqvfuvixqyjd_00016389_e6f7c975_a311_4067_bcf1_a6accb57ab37', NULL, NULL);
  location   |  xid  |                                                           data
3D/95003D58 | 17974 | BEGIN 17974
3D/950049D0 | 17974 | table public.toast_test1: UPDATE: id[integer]:1 is_not_toast[integer]:1 is_toast[character varying]:unchanged-toast-datum
3D/95004A78 | 17974 | COMMIT 17974
(3 rows)


Even after setting the REPLICA IDENTITY to FULL for this table did not help. 

Kindly review and please share your comments on this matter.

Re: [HACKERS] Logical Replication - test_decoding - unchanged-toast-datum

Euler Taveira
2017-09-26 1:11 GMT-03:00 Abhinav Singh <>:
> 5. On the target, when I do a select * and see that the column with
> character varying() datatype has changed to 'unchanged-toast-datum'.
The column "is_toast" didn't change its value to
"unchanged-toast-datum". It is just a test_decoding convention that
means that the value is stored in a TOAST table and it was not
changed. test_decoding doesn't show TOAST values to avoid performance
problems and to be brief. Try a SELECT in the table and you will see
that the value is already there.

You didn't write an explicit question but I believe it was your doubt,
didn't it?

--   Euler Taveira                                   Timbira -  PostgreSQL: Consultoria, Desenvolvimento, Suporte 24x7 e Treinamento

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Re: [HACKERS] Logical Replication - test_decoding - unchanged-toast-datum

Abhinav Singh
Hello Euler,

Thank you very for your prompt response. 

I am really very sorry that I didn't mention about my exact question. So as you can see from my previous email, in the replication slot I see the value 'unchanged-toast-datum' for the column of dataytpe 'character varying'.

Based on this, when I query my target PostgreSQL instance after the UPDATE statement is run,  the value in this column gets changed to 'unchanged-toast-datum'. The steps that I gave is a simple reproduction and I would request you to please give that a try as well.

Hence, my question is how can workaroud this issue or is there a resolution for this problem.

Kindly review and please share your comments.

Thanks and Regards,
Abhinav Singh

On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 6:25 PM, Euler Taveira <> wrote:
2017-09-26 1:11 GMT-03:00 Abhinav Singh <>:
> 5. On the target, when I do a select * and see that the column with
> character varying() datatype has changed to 'unchanged-toast-datum'.
The column "is_toast" didn't change its value to
"unchanged-toast-datum". It is just a test_decoding convention that
means that the value is stored in a TOAST table and it was not
changed. test_decoding doesn't show TOAST values to avoid performance
problems and to be brief. Try a SELECT in the table and you will see
that the value is already there.

You didn't write an explicit question but I believe it was your doubt,
didn't it?

   Euler Taveira                                   Timbira -
   PostgreSQL: Consultoria, Desenvolvimento, Suporte 24x7 e Treinamento

Re: [HACKERS] Logical Replication - test_decoding - unchanged-toast-datum

Euler Taveira
2017-09-26 21:46 GMT-03:00 Abhinav Singh <>:
> Based on this, when I query my target PostgreSQL instance after the UPDATE
> statement is run,  the value in this column gets changed to
> 'unchanged-toast-datum'. The steps that I gave is a simple reproduction and
> I would request you to please give that a try as well.
You didn't understand what i said. If RDS shows a different output
maybe they hack the test_decoding plugin.

euler@vostro:~$ psql -A
psql (9.6.2)
Digite "help" para ajuda.

euler=# SELECT xlog_position FROM
(1 registro)
euler=# CREATE TABLE public.toast_test1 (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT
NULL, is_not_toast INT, is_toast VARCHAR(32767));
euler=# CREATE UNIQUE INDEX toast_test_id_uindex1 ON public.toast_test1 (id);
euler=# INSERT INTO public.toast_test1 (is_not_toast, is_toast)
VALUES(0, (SELECT string_agg(series::text, ',') FROM
generate_series(1, 1000) AS series));
euler=# UPDATE public.toast_test1 SET is_not_toast = 1;
euler=# SELECT * FROM
1/7DF15DD0|295590|BEGIN 295590
1/7DF20910|295590|COMMIT 295590
1/7DF20940|295591|BEGIN 295591
1/7DF21180|295591|COMMIT 295591
1/7DF211B8|295592|BEGIN 295592
1/7DF22330|295592|table public.toast_test1: INSERT: id[integer]:1
is_not_toast[integer]:0 is_toast[character

1/7DF224D8|295592|COMMIT 295592
1/7DF224D8|295593|BEGIN 295593
1/7DF22510|295593|table public.toast_test1: UPDATE: id[integer]:1
is_not_toast[integer]:1 is_toast[character
1/7DF225A0|295593|COMMIT 295593
(10 registros)
euler=# SELECT * FROM public.toast_test1;

(1 registro)

--   Euler Taveira                                   Timbira -  PostgreSQL: Consultoria, Desenvolvimento, Suporte 24x7 e Treinamento

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