Thread: [ANNOUNCE] pg_dirtyread 1.2 released

[ANNOUNCE] pg_dirtyread 1.2 released

Christoph Berg

The pg_dirtyread extension provides the ability to read dead but
unvacuumed rows from a relation. All PostgreSQL versions including 10
and 11devel as of now are supported.

Compared to the original pg_dirtyread 1.0 version from 2012 (written
by Phil Sorber while at OmiTI), version 1.2 adds the ability to
retrieve system columns such as xmax and ctid:

SELECT * FROM pg_dirtyread('foo'::regclass)   AS t(tableoid oid, ctid tid, xmin xid, xmax xid, cmin cid, cmax cid, dead
boolean,       oid oid, bar bigint, baz text);tableoid │ ctid  │ xmin │ xmax │ cmin │ cmax │ dead │ oid │ bar │
──────────┼───────┼──────┼──────┼──────┼──────┼──────┼─────┼─────┼───────────────────   41823 │ (0,1) │ 1484 │ 1485 │
0 │    0 │ t    │   0 │   1 │ Delete   41823 │ (0,2) │ 1484 │    0 │    0 │    0 │ f    │   0 │   2 │ Insert   41823 │
(0,3)│ 1484 │ 1486 │    0 │    0 │ t    │   0 │   3 │ Update   41823 │ (0,4) │ 1484 │ 1488 │    0 │    0 │ f    │   0 │
 4 │ Not deleted   41823 │ (0,5) │ 1484 │ 1489 │    1 │    1 │ f    │   0 │   5 │ Not updated   41823 │ (0,6) │ 1486 │
 0 │    0 │    0 │ f    │   0 │   3 │ Updated   41823 │ (0,7) │ 1489 │    0 │    1 │    1 │ t    │   0 │   5 │ Not
quiteupdated   41823 │ (0,8) │ 1490 │    0 │    2 │    2 │ t    │   0 │   6 │ Not inserted


Packages for Debian and Ubuntu are available from

Senior Berater, Tel.: +49 2166 9901 187
credativ GmbH, HRB Mönchengladbach 12080, USt-ID-Nummer: DE204566209
Trompeterallee 108, 41189 Mönchengladbach
Geschäftsführung: Dr. Michael Meskes, Jörg Folz, Sascha Heuer
pgp fingerprint: 5C48 FE61 57F4 9179 5970  87C6 4C5A 6BAB 12D2 A7AE

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