Thread: MAcOS will not accept that pgadmin

MAcOS will not accept that pgadmin

Brainco AG

Please address any support questions to the mailing list ( I am not able to provide support on a private basis.

Regards, Dave.

On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 8:00 PM, Brainco AG <> wrote:

Dear Dave

Thanks for maintaining pgadmin, this is a very important tool. 
Unfortunately, on my MacPro 3.1 with OS 10.10.3

No one of the pgadmin4 will run!

Do you know the reason?

Look the warning window above. 

Best regards, Ernest 

Dave Page
PostgreSQL Core Team

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
BRAINCO AG (ZB Winterthur)

sig. E. Fäh

Brainco AG (Zweigbüro Winterthur)
Rundstrasse 32
8400 Winterthur
Telefon 052 214 08 01 / 032 512 12 50
Telefax 052 213 11 34 / 032 510 22 19

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