Thread: [pgsql-www] Beta testing page refers to beta2, not beta3

[pgsql-www] Beta testing page refers to beta2, not beta3

Laurence Parry
Date: indicates that the current PG 10 beta is beta2; however, beta3 was released on August 10.

Links to update:

I imagine there'll be a beta4, but it's not clear when, and several issues were fixed in beta3. Most people will notice on the front page, but people can still visit the testing page direct from a search.

Best regards,
Laurence "GreenReaper" Parry

Re: [pgsql-www] Beta testing page refers to beta2, not beta3

Magnus Hagander

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 4:56 AM, Laurence Parry <> wrote: indicates that the current PG 10 beta is beta2; however, beta3 was released on August 10.

Links to update:

I imagine there'll be a beta4, but it's not clear when, and several issues were fixed in beta3. Most people will notice on the front page, but people can still visit the testing page direct from a search.

There will indeed be a beta4, and pretty soon. Howver, I've pushed a fix for the site for now so it's up to date for that short time.

Thanks for the report! 
