Thread: [PERFORM] latest perf tuning info

[PERFORM] latest perf tuning info

Sam Gendler
Many years ago, I considered myself fairly expert when it came to performance tuning and query optimization in postgresql, but I've been hiding out inside (insert big company that doesn't use Postgresql here) for a long while while postgresql has continued to evolve, and much has changed since Greg's book shipped in 2010. I'm wondering if there is anything more up-to-date than that excellent reference, especially anything that touches on tuning and performance in AWS - RDS or running it directly on an EC2 instance.

But really, I'm mostly looking for documentation on query optimization and tuning for developers, rather than administration stuff.  I've got a lot of fairly inexperienced engineers bumping into their first performance problems resulting from very naive schema and query design as datasets have started to get large, and I'd rather point them at good documentation than just do their tuning for them. It's all low hanging fruit right now, but it won't stay that way for long. 

