Thread: Re: pgadmin 4 on windows - no Graphical explain?

Re: pgadmin 4 on windows - no Graphical explain?

Ashesh Vashi

On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 4:10 PM, alain bourgeois <> wrote:

using pgadmin 4 (1.6) query tool on windows, type "select * from eidtemp2 order by softref, cardid"
Explain options: enable all but verbose.

then click  explain (or explain analyze)

I get a question mark with some stats and in output I get a JSON to parse.

according to, pgadmin3 gave a readable text + graphic.
No more possible using pgadmin 4?
Only different between pgAdmin 3 and pgAdmin 4 is: pgAdmin 4 uses JSON format for EXPLAIN, while pgAdmin 3 uses  PLAIN format for it.


Thanks & Regards,

Ashesh Vashi
EnterpriseDB INDIA: Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
