Thread: [ODBC] A possible bug candidate in the 9.6.0411 when using theServerSidePrepare option

* A possible bug candidate in the 9.6.0411 when using the ServerSidePrepare option


The statement bellow will trigger a false error. This error disappears if I disable the ServerSidePrepare option in the
driver,or if I quote the table column names. I guess something is triggered by the presence of the dollar sign within
thecolumn name. 

I was doing the tests using the 32-bit Unicode 9.6.0411 build.

[11.969]STATEMENT ERROR: func=build_libpq_bind_params, desc='', errnum=32, errmsg='Parameters exist but IPD isn't set.
Pleasecall SQLDescribeParam()' 
[11.969]                 ------------------------------------------------------------
[11.969]                 hdbc=07198568, stmt=071647C0, result=00000000
[11.969]                 prepare=8, external=1
[11.969]                 bindings=00000000, bindings_allocated=0
[11.969]                 parameters=00000000, parameters_allocated=0
[11.969]                 statement_type=5, statement='create or replace view neo.vw_el_bn_dbvtlj as
    D.T$SUNO as dbvtlj_id,
    D.T$NAMA as ime_1,
    D.T$NAMB as ime_2,
    D.T$NAMC as nslv_1,
    D.T$NAMD as nslv_2,
    D.T$NAME as mst_1,
    D.T$NAMF as mst_2,
    D.T$PSTC as pst_st,
    D.T$COMP as pdj,
    D.T$CBRN as djvnst,
    D.T$CBAN as bnk,
    D.T$FOVN as dvcn_st,
    D.T$CBAN as priv_rac,
    D.T$CCTY as drzava,
    D.T$TELP as telefon,
    D.T$TELX as telex,
    D.T$TEFX as faks,
    D.T$REFS as kontakt,
    D.T$CDEC as pogoj_dost,
    D.T$PAYM as met_plac,
    D.T$SUST as stat_dob,
    D.T$CCON as skrbnik_id,
    D.T$CPAY as plc_pgj_id,
    D.t$cfsg as cfsg,
    D.T$MAIL as email
    from neo.el_bn_dbvtlj as D
[11.969]                 stmt_with_params='(NULL)'
[11.969]                 data_at_exec=-1, current_exec_param=-1, put_data=0
[11.969]                 currTuple=-1, current_col=-1, lobj_fd=-1
[11.969]                 maxRows=0, rowset_size=1, keyset_size=0, cursor_type=0, scroll_concurrency=1
[11.969]                 cursor_name='SQL_CUR071647C0'
[11.969]                 ----------------QResult Info -------------------------------
[11.969]CONN ERROR: func=build_libpq_bind_params, desc='', errnum=0, errmsg='(NULL)'
[11.969]            ------------------------------------------------------------
[11.985]            henv=071D1088, conn=07198568, status=3, num_stmts=16
[11.985]            pqconn=0717ADA0, stmts=0715E4C0, lobj_type=-999

-- Regards, Matej.