Thread: [HACKERS] [PATCH] Add citext_pattern_ops to citext contrib module

[HACKERS] [PATCH] Add citext_pattern_ops to citext contrib module

Alexey Chernyshov
Hi all,

The attached patch introduces citext_pattern_ops for citext extension 
type like text_pattern_ops for text type. Here are operators ~<~, ~<=~, 
~>~, ~>=~ combined into citext_pattern_ops operator class. These 
operators simply compare underlying citext values as C strings with 
memcmp() function. This operator class isn’t supported by B-Tree index 
yet, but it is a first step to do it.

Patch includes regression tests and is applicable to the latest commit 

The problem of citext support for LIKE operator with B-Tree index was 
mentioned in [1]. Briefly, the planner doesn’t use B-Tree index for 
queries text_col LIKE ‘abc%’. I’d like to investigate how to improve it 
and make another patch. I think the start point is 
match_special_index_operator() function which doesn’t support custom 
types. I would appreciate hearing your opinion on this.


Alexey Chernyshov
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company

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Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] Add citext_pattern_ops to citext contrib module

Jacob Champion
On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 5:18 AM, Alexey Chernyshov
<> wrote:
> Hi all,

Hi Alexey, I took a look at your patch. Builds fine here, and passes
the new tests.

I'm new to this code, so take my review with a grain of salt.

> The attached patch introduces citext_pattern_ops for citext extension type
> like text_pattern_ops for text type. Here are operators ~<~, ~<=~, ~>~, ~>=~
> combined into citext_pattern_ops operator class. These operators simply
> compare underlying citext values as C strings with memcmp() function.

Are there any cases where performing the str_tolower with the default
collation, then comparing byte-by-byte, could backfire? The added test
cases don't make use of any multibyte/accented characters, so it's not
clear to me yet what *should* be happening in those cases.

It also might be a good idea to add some test cases that compare
strings of different lengths, to exercise all the paths in

> +-- test citext_pattern_cmp() function explicetily.

Spelling nitpick in the new SQL: s/explicetily/explicitly .


Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] Add citext_pattern_ops to citext contrib module

Tom Lane
Alexey Chernyshov <> writes:
> The attached patch introduces citext_pattern_ops for citext extension 
> type like text_pattern_ops for text type. Here are operators ~<~, ~<=~, 
> ~>~, ~>=~ combined into citext_pattern_ops operator class. These 
> operators simply compare underlying citext values as C strings with 
> memcmp() function.

Hi Alexey,

Quick comment on this patch: recently, we've decided that having patches
replace the whole base script for an extension is too much of a
maintenance problem, especially when there are several patches in the
pipeline for the same contrib module.  The new style is to provide only
a version update script (which you'd have to write anyway), and then
rely on CREATE EXTENSION to apply the old base script plus the update(s).
You can see some examples in the patch I just posted at

Also, since that patch is probably going to get committed pretty soon, you
could reformulate your patch as an add-on to its citext--1.4--1.5.sql
script.  We don't really need to have a separate version of the extension
for states that are intermediate between two PG major releases.  Only
if your patch doesn't get in by v11 freeze would you need to make it a
separate citext--1.5--1.6.sql script.
        regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] Add citext_pattern_ops to citext contribmodule

Alexey Chernyshov
On Tue, 12 Sep 2017 12:59:20 -0400
Tom Lane <> wrote:

> Quick comment on this patch: recently, we've decided that having
> patches replace the whole base script for an extension is too much of
> a maintenance problem, especially when there are several patches in
> the pipeline for the same contrib module.  The new style is to
> provide only a version update script (which you'd have to write
> anyway), and then rely on CREATE EXTENSION to apply the old base
> script plus the update(s). You can see some examples in the patch I
> just posted at
> Also, since that patch is probably going to get committed pretty
> soon, you could reformulate your patch as an add-on to its
> citext--1.4--1.5.sql script.  We don't really need to have a separate
> version of the extension for states that are intermediate between two
> PG major releases.  Only if your patch doesn't get in by v11 freeze
> would you need to make it a separate citext--1.5--1.6.sql script.
>             regards, tom lane

Accented characters and different length strings tests added.
Since patch
is committed, I changed the patch as you said. Thanks for your notes.
Do we need expected/citext.out? It seems that only
expected/citext_1.out has correct output.

Alexey Chernyshov
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company
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Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] Add citext_pattern_ops to citext contrib module

Tom Lane
Alexey Chernyshov <> writes:
> Do we need expected/citext.out? It seems that only
> expected/citext_1.out has correct output.

Well, for me, citext.out matches the results in C locale,
and citext_1.out matches the results in en_US.  If you don't
satisfy both of those cases, the buildfarm will not like you.
        regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] Add citext_pattern_ops to citext contrib module

Andrew Dunstan
On 09/18/2017 12:50 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Alexey Chernyshov <> writes:
>> Do we need expected/citext.out? It seems that only
>> expected/citext_1.out has correct output.
> Well, for me, citext.out matches the results in C locale,
> and citext_1.out matches the results in en_US.  If you don't
> satisfy both of those cases, the buildfarm will not like you.

I'm about to pick this one up - I will handle the expected file issue.



Andrew Dunstan      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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