Thread: [pgsql-www] Wiki editor request

[pgsql-www] Wiki editor request

Huy Pham
Hi Team,

We are a small team and we made a PostgreSQL admin GUI tool for OSX/Windows (it has free version). (Windows version will available soon). We want to add it to postgreSQL GUI Tools listing.

Home page: 

TablePlus is a native app which helps you easily edit database data and structure. It includes many security features to protect your database, including native libssh and TLS to encrypt your connection. 
TablePlus supports multi-tab and multi-window viewing, as well as generates code review whenever you make a change to your database.
- Highlight syntax
- Indent SQL Command
- Split Results into Tabs
- Save favorite SQL to snippet
- Customize font size
- Changing themes
- Multi tab, multi windows viewing
- Native lib ssh, ssl protected.

TablePlus team.