Thread: [GENERAL] building extension with large string inserts

[GENERAL] building extension with large string inserts

Tom van Tilburg
I am trying to build an extension where there is the need to insert large strings consisting of javascript code. The easiest way to get these string currently into a table is by using

\set varname `cat mycode.js`
INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (:'varname');

and run this from the psql client.
psql will escape the string nicely and stuff it into a text field.

This does not work with extensions since I cannot use \set anywhere else than the psql client.

What would be a proper way to get this code into a table via an extension? I've been working on generating INSERT statements for the extension's sql file but it seems a tedious job to escape the code myself. 


Re: [GENERAL] building extension with large string inserts

Tom Lane
Tom van Tilburg <> writes:
> I am trying to build an extension where there is the need to insert large
> strings consisting of javascript code.
> ...
> What would be a proper way to get this code into a table via an extension?
> I've been working on generating INSERT statements for the extension's sql
> file but it seems a tedious job to escape the code myself.

Can't you use a dollar-quoted string?  You just need to pick a delimiter
that doesn't appear anywhere in the javascript, say $JaVaScRiPt$ ...

            regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] building extension with large string inserts

Tom van Tilburg
I think I misunderstand. How would that help my insert statement? 
You would get INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ($ javascript with a lot of unescaped characters like /n " // etc. $);

and: Am I correct that INSERTS are the way to go in extensions? 

 Tom vT.

On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 4:57 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
Tom van Tilburg <> writes:
> I am trying to build an extension where there is the need to insert large
> strings consisting of javascript code.
> ...
> What would be a proper way to get this code into a table via an extension?
> I've been working on generating INSERT statements for the extension's sql
> file but it seems a tedious job to escape the code myself.

Can't you use a dollar-quoted string?  You just need to pick a delimiter
that doesn't appear anywhere in the javascript, say $JaVaScRiPt$ ...

                        regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] building extension with large string inserts

Tom Lane
Tom van Tilburg <> writes:
> I think I misunderstand. How would that help my insert statement?
> You would get INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ($ javascript with a lot of
> unescaped characters like /n " // etc. $);

Sure, but in a dollar-quoted literal you don't need to escape them.

> and: Am I correct that INSERTS are the way to go in extensions?

Seems reasonable, if you want the extension script to be self-contained.

            regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] building extension with large string inserts

Tom van Tilburg
You are right! I totally forgot about this dollar quoting :)
Typically one of those things you will only remember the hard way ;-)

Thanks a lot,

On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 5:08 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
Tom van Tilburg <> writes:
> I think I misunderstand. How would that help my insert statement?
> You would get INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ($ javascript with a lot of
> unescaped characters like /n " // etc. $);

Sure, but in a dollar-quoted literal you don't need to escape them.

> and: Am I correct that INSERTS are the way to go in extensions?

Seems reasonable, if you want the extension script to be self-contained.

                        regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] building extension with large string inserts

"David G. Johnston"
On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 8:04 AM, Tom van Tilburg <> wrote:
I think I misunderstand. How would that help my insert statement? 
You would get INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ($ javascript with a lot of unescaped characters like /n " // etc. $);

​Tom Lane provided the relevant syntax link, though if you supply an actual, shortened, example someone might show exactly what this all means for you - or how you'd need to tweak your text to make it work.

$$ { "key1": "value"​,
       "key2": "value" } $$

Will be inserted as-is, explicit newlines and all.  Likewise,

$$ { "key1": "value", \n "key2": "value" } $$

will be inserted without any newlines and with a literal "\n" in the middle of the text.

Unlike single-quote literals there is no alternate "E" form of dollar-quoting that will cause the \n to be interpreted as a newline.  In practice its absence doesn't seem missed.

David J.