Thread: [BUGS] BUG #14730: Passing an array of composites to a plpythonu functionresults in a list of strs

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      14730
Logged by:          Peter Sutton
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.6.3
Operating system:   Linux

Passing an array of composites to a plpythonu function results in a list of
strs, not a list of dicts or tuples as I expected. Here's an example:


CREATE TABLE mytable (   col1 INTEGER
,   col2 BOOLEAN
,   col3 TEXT

INSERT INTO mytable VALUES   (1, TRUE , 'Text')
,   (2, NULL , 'Text')
,   (3, FALSE, NULL  )

CREATE FUNCTION myfunc (ts mytable[]) RETURNS VOID   LANGUAGE plpythonu
AS $plpythonu$
   from pprint import pformat   plpy.notice(pformat(ts))   if ts:       plpy.notice(type(ts[0]))


SELECT myfunc(array_agg(t)) FROM mytable AS t;

-- psql:local/script.pgsql:28: NOTICE:  ['(1,t,Text)', '(2,,Text)',
-- psql:local/script.pgsql:28: NOTICE:  <type 'str'>
--  myfunc
-- --------
-- (1 row)

SELECT myfunc(ARRAY[t]) FROM mytable AS t;

-- psql:local/script.pgsql:29: NOTICE:  ['(1,t,Text)']
-- psql:local/script.pgsql:29: NOTICE:  <type 'str'>
-- psql:local/script.pgsql:29: NOTICE:  ['(2,,Text)']
-- psql:local/script.pgsql:29: NOTICE:  <type 'str'>
-- psql:local/script.pgsql:29: NOTICE:  ['(3,f,)']
-- psql:local/script.pgsql:29: NOTICE:  <type 'str'>
--  myfunc
-- --------
-- (3 rows)


I expected the items of list list to be tuple or dicts, e.g., [(1, True,
'Text'), ...].

Thanks, Peter.

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