Thread: [HACKERS] [Proposal]: Extends VisualStudio to automatically precompileEmbeddedSQL


I made an extension of VisualStudio that precompiles automaticaly C or
C++ source with PostgreSQL Embedded SQL. The extension is made of the 3
files joined and I have no idea where they should be placed in the
PostgreSQL source tree.

Anybody interested in pushing this extension?


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On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 6:35 PM, zosrothko <> wrote:
> Hi
> I made an extension of VisualStudio that precompiles automaticaly C or
> C++ source with PostgreSQL Embedded SQL. The extension is made of the 3
> files joined and I have no idea where they should be placed in the
> PostgreSQL source tree.
> Anybody interested in pushing this extension?

The PostgreSQL uses a set of scripts in src/tools/msvc/ to generate
things compiled with visual studio, so instinctively you would be
looking at working on that. Honestly, just by looking at the files you
are proposing, it is hard to make an idea of why this would be useful
for ECPG, and please note as well that there are guidelines for
submitting patches:

The source code of ecpg is located in src/interfaces/ecpg by the way.
If you are interested to work on it, that's the place where to look at

Le 02/05/2017 à 13:22, Michael Paquier a écrit :
> The PostgreSQL uses a set of scripts in src/tools/msvc/ to generate
> things compiled with visual studio, so instinctively you would be
> looking at working on that. Honestly, just by looking at the files you
> are proposing, it is hard to make an idea of why this would be useful
> for ECPG, and please note as well that there are guidelines for
> submitting patches:
Please find below a log of building a VS2017 project named PGembeddedSQL
using the joined ECPG extension.

Building the PGEmbeddedSQL.vcxproj with msbuild calls automatically the
ecpg precompiler to precompile the PGEmbeddedSQL.pgc source and produces
PGembeddedSQL.cxx, which in turn is compiled and linked to produce de

C:\MXW\Clients\PagesJaunes\SQLDynamic\SQLDynamic>dirLe volume dans le lecteur C n'a pas de nom.Le numéro de série du
volumeest 6FAB-AFA0
Répertoire de C:\MXW\Clients\PagesJaunes\SQLDynamic\SQLDynamic

02/05/2017  14:08    <REP>          .
02/05/2017  14:08    <REP>          ..
27/04/2017  17:11    <REP>          Debug
27/04/2017  15:28             2 648 PGEmbeddedSQL.pgc
27/04/2017  15:13             9 557 PGEmbeddedSQL.vcxproj
27/04/2017  15:10             1 302 PGEmbeddedSQL.vcxproj.filters
27/04/2017  15:13               682 PGEmbeddedSQL.vcxproj.user

Microsoft (R) Build Engine, version 15.1.548.43366
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

La génération a démarré 02/05/2017 14:09:56.
sur le noud 1 (cibl
es par défaut).
InitializeBuildStatus: Création de
"C:\temp\postgres\Debug\PGEmbeddedSQL.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild", car
"AlwaysCreate" a é té spécifié.
EcpgTarget: Process "PGEmbeddedSQL.pgc" ecpg file cmd.exe /C
         ecpg.exe -o PGEmbeddedSQL.cxx  PGEmbeddedSQL.pgc

ClCompile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\CL.exe /c
/ZI /nologo /W3 /WX- /Od /Oy - /D WIN32 /D _DEBUG /D _CONSOLE /D _UNICODE /D UNICODE /Gm /EHsc
/RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc: wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /GR /Fo"C:\temp\postgres\Debug\\"
/Fd"C:\temp\postgres\Debug\vc14 0.pdb" /Gd /TP /analyze- /errorReport:queue PGEmbeddedSQL.cxx PGEmbeddedSQL.cxx
Link: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\link.exe
/ERRORREPORT:QUEUE /OUT:"C:\t emp\postgres\PGEmbeddedSQLd.exe" /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO libecpg.lib
libpq.lib kernel32.lib user32.l ib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib
ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib o dbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib
comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib s hell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib
/MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level= 'asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /DEBUG
/IMPLIB:"C:\temp\postgres\PGEmbeddedSQLd.lib" / MACHINE:X86 C:\temp\postgres\Debug\PGEmbeddedSQL.obj
PGEmbeddedSQL.vcxproj-> C:\temp\postgres\PGEmbeddedSQLd.exe PGEmbeddedSQL.vcxproj ->
C:\temp\postgres\PGEmbeddedSQLd.pdb(Full PDB)
FinalizeBuildStatus: Suppression du fichier
"C:\temp\postgres\Debug\PGEmbeddedSQL.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". Mise à jour de l'horodatage
"C:\temp\postgres\Debug\PGEmbeddedSQL.tlog\PGEmbeddedSQL.lastbuildsta te".
Génération du projet
née (cibles par défaut).

La génération a réussi.   0 Avertissement(s)   0 Erreur(s)

Temps écoulé 00:00:02.63

Without the extension, you would have to precompile the
PGembeddedSQL.pcg by hand


> The source code of ecpg is located in src/interfaces/ecpg by the way.
> If you are interested to work on it, that's the place where to look at
> first.

Le 02/05/2017 à 13:22, Michael Paquier a écrit :
On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 6:35 PM, zosrothko <> wrote:

I made an extension of VisualStudio that precompiles automaticaly C or
C++ source with PostgreSQL Embedded SQL. The extension is made of the 3
files joined and I have no idea where they should be placed in the
PostgreSQL source tree.

Anybody interested in pushing this extension?
The PostgreSQL uses a set of scripts in src/tools/msvc/ to generate
things compiled with visual studio, so instinctively you would be
looking at working on that. Honestly, just by looking at the files you
are proposing, it is hard to make an idea of why this would be useful
for ECPG, and please note as well that there are guidelines for
submitting patches:

The source code of ecpg is located in src/interfaces/ecpg by the way.
If you are interested to work on it, that's the place where to look at
I need to add those three files in the installation process. Where should go those files?
  1.  in C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin
  2. or should I put those files in a share/contrib directory?
Where is located the configuration file to change for putting those files in the Windows distribution?


Le 02/05/2017 à 13:22, Michael Paquier a écrit :
On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 6:35 PM, zosrothko <> wrote:

I made an extension of VisualStudio that precompiles automaticaly C or
C++ source with PostgreSQL Embedded SQL. The extension is made of the 3
files joined and I have no idea where they should be placed in the
PostgreSQL source tree.

Anybody interested in pushing this extension?
The PostgreSQL uses a set of scripts in src/tools/msvc/ to generate
things compiled with visual studio, so instinctively you would be
looking at working on that. Honestly, just by looking at the files you
are proposing, it is hard to make an idea of why this would be useful
for ECPG, and please note as well that there are guidelines for
submitting patches:

The source code of ecpg is located in src/interfaces/ecpg by the way.
If you are interested to work on it, that's the place where to look at
I need to add those three files in the distribution process for Windows. Where should go those files?
  1.  in C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin
  2. or should I put those files in a share/contrib directory?
Where is located the installation builder files to change for putting those files in the Windows distribution?
