Thread: [pgadmin-support] When running a query, "Initializing the query execution!" stays up.



When selecting from a table I can write to a csv.

It sits on "Initializing the query execution!" when running to screen.


I looked this up and I see there was an issue with this on a previous version that was apparently fixed, but there was no resolution posted. Only some troubleshooting. I did those steps, and as in that posting, nothing showed in the logs.


Currently we have to use another tool for queries and editing the data. Any help in pin pointing the cause of this, if it is on my side, would be greatly appreciated. 



Deleted the log, nothing gets put in it.

Added this to


                DEBUG = True

                FILE_LOG_LEVEL = 10


Still nothing in the log.






                CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511

                Postgress Version:           Postgres 9.5




                PGADMIN info:

                                Version 1.4

                                Copyright            Copyright 2013 - 2017, The pgAdmin Development Team

                                Python Version 2.7.12 (v2.7.12:d33e0cf91556, Jun 27 2016, 15:19:22) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

                                Flask Version     0.11.1

                                Application Mode            Desktop

                                Current User



                OS:         Windows 10

                SSH Tunnler:      Bitvise SSH Client 6.45





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