Thread: [BUGS] postgresql to mssql

[BUGS] postgresql to mssql

Dear Support Team, 
We found your contract information before my previous contract email and postgresql website. Because now we prepare change database from mssql to postgresql, and we use aspnet to develop website. Would it be possible to help us guidance about how to change connection setting in web.config file as listed as below:

  <add key="CconString" value="Server='';uid='sa';pwd='5342601water';database='DB14017'"/>
  <add key="VBconString" value="Server=;uid=sa;pwd=5342601water;database=DB14017"/>
  <add key="SMTPServer" value=""/>
  <add key="SMTPSend" value=""/>
  <add key="SystemName" value="SmartAdmin"/>
  <add key="AbsPath" value="/"/>
  <add key="TrackSaveTime" value="/3/"/>
  <add key="EditUploadPath" value="\\nas2\webhost\17\14017\upfiles\EditUpload\"/>
  <add key="UploadPath" value="\\nas2\webhost\17\14017\upfiles\ADUpload\"/>
  <add key="CopyRight" value=""/>
  <add key="sKey" value="qJzGZDVJeCnFPGuxzaiB7NLQM3"/>
  <add key="sIV" value="qcDPLw="/>
  <add key="MainWeb" value=""/>

Thanks a lot.
Best Regards, Anderson Hsu