Thread: [BUGS] aspnet postgresql connection setting

[BUGS] aspnet postgresql connection setting

Dear Support Team,
Our website is produced by using aspnet + mssql, and then we would like to move database from mssql to postgresql. But about the database connection setting in web.config, we are not sure how to modify the setting as listed as below:
<add key="CconString" value="Server='7a0642076\SQLEXPRESS';uid='sa';pwd='water';database='DB14017'"/>
         <add key="VBconString" value="Server=7a0642076\SQLEXPRESS;uid=sa;pwd=water;database=DB14017"/>
         <add key="SMTPServer" value=""/>
         <add key="SMTPSend" value=""/>
         <add key="SystemName" value="SmartAdmin"/>
         <add key="AbsPath" value="/"/>
         <add key="TrackSaveTime" value="/3/"/>
         <add key="EditUploadPath" value="\\nas2\webhost\17\14017\upfiles\EditUpload\"/>
         <add key="UploadPath" value="\\nas2\webhost\17\14017\upfiles\ADUpload\"/>
         <add key="CopyRight" value=""/>
         <add key="sKey" value="qJzGEh6hESZDVJeCnFPGuxz3"/>
         <add key="sIV" value="qcD="/>
         <add key="MainWeb" value=""/>
Would it be possible to guidance the information which how to modify postgresql in web.config? Thanks a lot.
Best Regards, Anderson Hsu

Re: [BUGS] aspnet postgresql connection setting

John R Pierce
On 3/15/2017 10:18 PM, wrote:
Our website is produced by using aspnet + mssql, and then we would like to move database from mssql to postgresql. But about the database connection setting in web.config, we are not sure how to modify the setting as listed as below:
<add key="CconString" value="Server='7a0642076\SQLEXPRESS';uid='sa';pwd='water';database='DB14017'"/>
         <add key="VBconString" value="Server=7a0642076\SQLEXPRESS;uid=sa;pwd=water;database=DB14017"/>

that is all Microsoft SQL Server specific, somewhere else you must be connecting to the mssql ado driver.
you need to install and use NPGSQL, which implements a .NET data provider for Postgresql.     I don't program in that world, but here's home page for it...

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz