Thread: [COMMITTERS] pgsql: Add a "void *" passthrough pointer for psqlscan.l's callbackfun

Add a "void *" passthrough pointer for psqlscan.l's callback functions.

The immediate motivation for this is to provide clean infrastructure
for the proposed \if...\endif patch for psql; but it seems like a good
thing to have even if that patch doesn't get in.  Previously the callback
functions could only make use of application-global state, which is a
pretty severe handicap.

For the moment, the pointer is only passed through to the get_variable
callback function.  I considered also passing it to the write_error
callback, but for now let's not.  Neither psql nor pgbench has a use
for that, and in the case of psql we'd have to invent a separate wrapper
function because we would certainly not want to change the signature of




Modified Files
src/bin/psql/common.c               |  6 +++++-
src/bin/psql/common.h               |  3 ++-
src/bin/psql/psqlscanslash.l        |  3 ++-
src/fe_utils/psqlscan.l             | 19 +++++++++++++++++--
src/include/fe_utils/psqlscan.h     |  5 ++++-
src/include/fe_utils/psqlscan_int.h |  4 +++-
6 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)