Thread: [pgadmin-support] pgAdmin4 not displaying geometry details nicely (for a GIS table)

Hi all,

I'm a newbie here, so I hope this message is relevant to this forum. I posted it in gis.stackexchange (, but I guess it belongs to the pgAdmin4 developers, really.

Basically, there is a difference of behaviour between pgAdminIII and pgAdmin4 in the SQL pane when it comes to showing the details of a PostGIS geometry column. For example, pgAdminIII would show `geom geometry(LineStringZ,28356)` which is useful to immediately identify the type and SRID of the geometry. For the same table, pgAdmin4 shows `geom geometry(7259142)`.

Someone indicated that 7259142 is a binary concatenation of the LineStringZ code (00000110) and the SRID, but even so, it is very inconvenient quickly check table definitions in pgAdmin4.

Again, I am not sure whether this belongs to pgAdmin devs, to PostGIS devs, or to someone else. I just thought I'd raise the issue, as it made me revert to pgAdminIII...

