Thread: [pgsql-pkg-debian] postgresql-common updated to version 178.pgdg+1

[pgsql-pkg-debian] postgresql-common updated to version 178.pgdg+1

From repository
The package postgresql-common was updated on

New version 178.pgdg+1:

postgresql-common          |  178.pgdg+1                              |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el,
postgresql-common          |  178.pgdg80+1                            |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el,
postgresql-common          |  178.pgdg70+1                            |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  172.pgdg60+1                            |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24      |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  134~pgapt40+1                           |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  178.pgdg16.04+1                         |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el,
postgresql-common          |  175.pgdg15.10+1                         |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  170.pgdg14.10+1                         |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  178.pgdg14.04+1                         |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el,
postgresql-common          |  154.pgdg13.10+1                         |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  178.pgdg12.4+1                          |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1           |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql                 |  9.6+178.pgdg+1                          |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql                 |  9.6+178.pgdg80+1                        |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql                 |  9.6+178.pgdg70+1                        |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.5+172.pgdg60+1                        |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.2+137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24  |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  8.4+134~pgapt40+1                       |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.6+178.pgdg16.04+1                     |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql                 |  9.5+175.pgdg15.10+1                     |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.4+170.pgdg14.10+1                     |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.6+178.pgdg14.04+1                     |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql                 |  9.3+154.pgdg13.10+1                     |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.6+178.pgdg12.4+1                      |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.4+168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1       |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-all             |  9.6+178.pgdg+1                          |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-all             |  9.6+178.pgdg80+1                        |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-all             |  9.6+178.pgdg70+1                        |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-all             |  9.6+178.pgdg16.04+1                     |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-all             |  9.6+178.pgdg14.04+1                     |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-all             |  9.6+178.pgdg12.4+1                      |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.6+178.pgdg+1                          |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client          |  9.6+178.pgdg80+1                        |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client          |  9.6+178.pgdg70+1                        |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.5+172.pgdg60+1                        |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.2+137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24  |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  8.4+134~pgapt40+1                       |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.6+178.pgdg16.04+1                     |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client          |  9.5+175.pgdg15.10+1                     |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.4+170.pgdg14.10+1                     |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.6+178.pgdg14.04+1                     |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client          |  9.3+154.pgdg13.10+1                     |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.6+178.pgdg12.4+1                      |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.4+168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1       |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  178.pgdg+1                              |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client-common   |  178.pgdg80+1                            |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client-common   |  178.pgdg70+1                            |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  172.pgdg60+1                            |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24      |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  134~pgapt40+1                           |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  178.pgdg16.04+1                         |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client-common   |  175.pgdg15.10+1                         |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  170.pgdg14.10+1                         |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  178.pgdg14.04+1                         |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client-common   |  154.pgdg13.10+1                         |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  178.pgdg12.4+1                          |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1           |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+178.pgdg+1                          |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+178.pgdg80+1                        |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+178.pgdg70+1                        |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.5+172.pgdg60+1                        |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.2+137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24  |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  8.4+134~pgapt40+1                       |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+178.pgdg16.04+1                     |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-contrib         |  9.5+175.pgdg15.10+1                     |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.4+170.pgdg14.10+1                     |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+178.pgdg14.04+1                     |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-contrib         |  9.3+154.pgdg13.10+1                     |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+178.pgdg12.4+1                      |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.4+168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1       |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+178.pgdg+1                          |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+178.pgdg80+1                        |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+178.pgdg70+1                        |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.5+172.pgdg60+1                        |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.2+137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24  |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  8.4+134~pgapt40+1                       |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+178.pgdg16.04+1                     |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-doc             |  9.5+175.pgdg15.10+1                     |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.4+170.pgdg14.10+1                     |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+178.pgdg14.04+1                     |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-doc             |  9.3+154.pgdg13.10+1                     |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+178.pgdg12.4+1                      |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.4+168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1       |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  178.pgdg+1                              |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  178.pgdg80+1                            |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  178.pgdg70+1                            |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  172.pgdg60+1                            |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24      |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  134~pgapt40+1                           |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  178.pgdg16.04+1                         |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  175.pgdg15.10+1                         |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  170.pgdg14.10+1                         |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  178.pgdg14.04+1                         |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  154.pgdg13.10+1                         |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  178.pgdg12.4+1                          |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1           |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386

Old version 177.pgdg+1:

postgresql-common          |  177.pgdg+1                              |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el,
postgresql-common          |  177.pgdg80+1                            |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el,
postgresql-common          |  177.pgdg70+1                            |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  172.pgdg60+1                            |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24      |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  134~pgapt40+1                           |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  177.pgdg16.04+1                         |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el,
postgresql-common          |  175.pgdg15.10+1                         |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  170.pgdg14.10+1                         |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  177.pgdg14.04+1                         |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el,
postgresql-common          |  154.pgdg13.10+1                         |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  177.pgdg12.4+1                          |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql-common          |  168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1           |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,  source
postgresql                 |  9.6+177.pgdg+1                          |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql                 |  9.6+177.pgdg80+1                        |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql                 |  9.6+177.pgdg70+1                        |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.5+172.pgdg60+1                        |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.2+137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24  |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  8.4+134~pgapt40+1                       |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.6+177.pgdg16.04+1                     |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql                 |  9.5+175.pgdg15.10+1                     |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.4+170.pgdg14.10+1                     |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.6+177.pgdg14.04+1                     |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql                 |  9.3+154.pgdg13.10+1                     |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.6+177.pgdg12.4+1                      |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql                 |  9.4+168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1       |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.6+177.pgdg+1                          |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client          |  9.6+177.pgdg80+1                        |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client          |  9.6+177.pgdg70+1                        |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.5+172.pgdg60+1                        |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.2+137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24  |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  8.4+134~pgapt40+1                       |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.6+177.pgdg16.04+1                     |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client          |  9.5+175.pgdg15.10+1                     |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.4+170.pgdg14.10+1                     |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.6+177.pgdg14.04+1                     |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client          |  9.3+154.pgdg13.10+1                     |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.6+177.pgdg12.4+1                      |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client          |  9.4+168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1       |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  177.pgdg+1                              |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client-common   |  177.pgdg80+1                            |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client-common   |  177.pgdg70+1                            |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  172.pgdg60+1                            |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24      |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  134~pgapt40+1                           |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  177.pgdg16.04+1                         |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client-common   |  175.pgdg15.10+1                         |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  170.pgdg14.10+1                         |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  177.pgdg14.04+1                         |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-client-common   |  154.pgdg13.10+1                         |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  177.pgdg12.4+1                          |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-client-common   |  168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1           |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+177.pgdg+1                          |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+177.pgdg80+1                        |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+177.pgdg70+1                        |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.5+172.pgdg60+1                        |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.2+137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24  |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  8.4+134~pgapt40+1                       |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+177.pgdg16.04+1                     |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-contrib         |  9.5+175.pgdg15.10+1                     |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.4+170.pgdg14.10+1                     |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+177.pgdg14.04+1                     |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-contrib         |  9.3+154.pgdg13.10+1                     |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.6+177.pgdg12.4+1                      |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-contrib         |  9.4+168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1       |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+177.pgdg+1                          |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+177.pgdg80+1                        |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+177.pgdg70+1                        |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.5+172.pgdg60+1                        |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.2+137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24  |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  8.4+134~pgapt40+1                       |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+177.pgdg16.04+1                     |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-doc             |  9.5+175.pgdg15.10+1                     |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.4+170.pgdg14.10+1                     |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+177.pgdg14.04+1                     |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-doc             |  9.3+154.pgdg13.10+1                     |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.6+177.pgdg12.4+1                      |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-doc             |  9.4+168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1       |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  177.pgdg+1                              |  sid-pgdg      |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  177.pgdg80+1                            |  jessie-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  177.pgdg70+1                            |  wheezy-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  172.pgdg60+1                            |  squeeze-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  137.pgdg50+1~1353587801.bzr1228.24      |  lenny-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  134~pgapt40+1                           |  etch-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  177.pgdg16.04+1                         |  xenial-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  175.pgdg15.10+1                         |  wily-pgdg     |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  170.pgdg14.10+1                         |  utopic-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  177.pgdg14.04+1                         |  trusty-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,  ppc64el
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  154.pgdg13.10+1                         |  saucy-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  177.pgdg12.4+1                          |  precise-pgdg  |  amd64,  i386
postgresql-server-dev-all  |  168~176.git088fff1.pgdg10.4+1           |  lucid-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386


postgresql-common (178.pgdg+1) sid-pgdg; urgency=medium

  * Rebuild for sid-pgdg (jenkins-postgresql-common-source-
    distribution=sid-242, 448b9b530138d742a6931c12d1ec7f134e7f03d2/git)

 -- autobuilder <>  Wed, 21 Dec 2016 12:11:32 +0100

postgresql-common (178) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Christoph Berg ]
  * pg_buildext: Don't ask pg_virtualenv for a new network namespace by
  * postgresql-all: New meta package depending on all server packages in all
    supported versions. Intended to be used for installing test dependencies.
  * pg_upgradecluster: Properly upgrade databases with non-login role owners.
    (Closes: #614374, #838812)
  * pg_upgradecluster, pg_renamecluster: Update cluster_name.
  * Rebuild upgrades libreadline to 7 in unstable. (Closes: #845356)
  * Replace most occurrences of "postmaster" by "postgres". Notable leftover
    is the postmaster.1.gz leader of the manpages alternatives group.
  * pg_ctlcluster, t/020_create_sql_remove.t: Protect against symlink in
    /var/log/postgresql/ allowing the creation of arbitrary files elsewhere.
    Discovered by Dawid Golunski, thanks! (CVE-2016-1255)

  [ Martin Pitt ]
  * debian/supported-versions: Add Ubuntu 17.04, drop EOLed releases.
  * t/, check_clean(): Quiesce stderr of netstat, which shows a "Not
    all processes could be identified" warning in unprivileged containers.

 -- Christoph Berg <>  Tue, 20 Dec 2016 17:11:15 +0100

The public mirrors serving are synced hourly,
the updated packages will be available there shortly.