Thread: PgConf.Russia 2017 Call for Papers

PgConf.Russia 2017 Call for Papers

Alexander Korotkov

We are now accepting talk proposals for PgConf.Russia 2017.

The Russian PostgreSQL conference will take place on 15-17 March 2017 in Moscow, at the Digital October venue, same as for PgConf.Russia 2015. The audience include a wide range of application and system developers, database architects and administrators.

 * 15 (Wed) tutorials
 * 16 & 17 (Thu-Fri) talks - the main part of the conference

Please, note that PgConf.Russian 2017 takes place in MARCH.

The major topics for the talks are:

 * PostgreSQL scalability, performance and security.
 * PostgreSQL core development. Internals. Current and future projects.
 * Live experience experience of using PostgreSQL in industrial grade systems. Integration, migration, application development.
 * Cluster. Scalable and fail-safe PostgreSQL-based systems.
 * PostgreSQL ecosystem. Related and supplementary software.
 * PostgreSQL community in Russia and abroad.

If you will to report a practical case, or would like to make on online demo, or have proposals expanding the named topics, please state this in your talk proposal. We will be glad to make the conference programm more interesting.

The typical duration of a talk is 45 minutes, half-talks for 22 minutes are also possible.

The application deadline is December, 15 2016. The preliminary program will be published by December, 20.

Talk proposal submission form is available at

The confirmed speakers will get free admission to the conference (all days), tickets to Moscow and accommodation booked and paid by the organizers.

We will be glad to see you in Moscow!

Alexander Korotkov
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company