Thread: [ANN] PGroonga 1.1.9 - Make PostgreSQL fast full text search platform for all languages


PGroonga 1.1.9 has been released!

### About PGroonga

PGroonga is a PostgreSQL extension that makes PostgreSQL
fast full text search platform for all languages!
It's released under PostgreSQL license.

There are some PostgreSQL extensions that improves full text
search feature of PostgreSQL such as pg_trgm(*1).


pg_trgm doesn't support languages that use non-alphanumerics
characters such as Japanese and Chinese.

PGroonga supports all languages, provides rich full text
search related features and is very fast. Because PGroonga
uses Groonga(*2) that is a full-fledged full text search
engine as backend.


See the following benchmark results for performance:

  * Benchmark result for PGroonga, textsearch and pg_trgm with English Wikipedia
  * Benchmark result for PGroonga and pg_bigm with Japanese Wikipedia

PGroonga also supports JSON search. You can use each value
for condition. You can also perform full text search against
all texts in JSON. No other extension such as JsQuery(*3)
doesn't provide full text search feature against JSON.


### Changes

PGroonga 1.1.9 supports WAL based streaming replication. It
uses generic WAL API added since PostgreSQL 9.6.

See the following URL for how to use the replication

See the following release announce URL for other changes:

### Announce

There is PGroonga session in PGConf.ASIA 2016 2 DAY:

In this session, not only difference between PGroonga and
other modules but also how to implement replication by
generic WAL API added since PostgreSQL 9.6 are
described. The slide for the session has been published:

If you're interested in PGroonga, please go to the session.

### Usage

You can use PGroonga without full text search knowledge. You
just create an index and puts a condition into WHERE:

  CREATE INDEX index_name ON table USING pgroonga (column);

  SELECT * FROM table WHERE column @@ 'PostgreSQL';

You can also use LIKE to use PGroonga. PGroonga provides a
feature that performs LIKE with index. LIKE with PGroonga
index is faster than LIKE without index. It means that you
can improve performance without changing your application
that uses the following SQL:

  SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '%PostgreSQL%';

Are you interested in PGroonga? Please install(*4) and try
tutorial(*5). You can know all PGroonga features.


You can install PGroonga easily. Because PGroonga provides
packages for major platforms. There are binaries for
