Thread: about missing xml related functionnalities

about missing xml related functionnalities

Jean-Paul Jorda
I send this email after reading the xml2 module « Deprecation notice » in

I still use xml2 module for one thing: xslt_process(). We store some
data in xml fields, and we sometime need to correct / upgrade the format.
Being able to apply a xslt transformation is a very efficient way to
achieve that.

So, as far as I'm concerned, xslt transformation appears to be a missing
fuctionnality in the newer api.

Best regards,


Jean-Paul JORDA
Centre de ressources technologiques
Coordinateur de l'équipe des développeurs
EDP Sciences
BP 112
17, avenue du Hoggar
P.A. de Courtaboeuf
F-91944 Les Ulis Cedex A
tel: 33 (0)1 69 18 17 64

Re: about missing xml related functionnalities

Craig Ringer
On 2 November 2016 at 21:12, Jean-Paul Jorda
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I send this email after reading the xml2 module « Deprecation notice » in
> I still use xml2 module for one thing: xslt_process(). We store some
> data in xml fields, and we sometime need to correct / upgrade the format.
> Being able to apply a xslt transformation is a very efficient way to
> achieve that.
> So, as far as I'm concerned, xslt transformation appears to be a missing
> fuctionnality in the newer api.

It is, but so far nobody has stepped up to do the work required to
implement it in core.

-- Craig Ringer          Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services