Thread: pg_squeeze is out: Fighting table bloat

pg_squeeze is out: Fighting table bloat

PostgreSQL - Hans-Jürgen Schönig
pg_squeeze 1.0 beta1 released

Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH (
is proud to announce the release of pg_squeeze 1.0, a tool to
automatically fight table bloat.
pg_squeeze is Open Source and can be used freely.


As PostgreSQL professionals we have seen one thing, which has
constantly bugged people over the years: Table bloat. Under some
circumstances tables can have a tendency to grow over time, which
leads to bad performance and high storage consumption.

pg_squeeze comes to the rescue

pg_squeeze has been designed to explicitly fight the problem
of table bloat. It can be loaded as an extension and runs in the
background cleaning up tables for you.

Get a free copy of pg_squeeze

Checkout pg_squeeze and get a copy:

Note we are currently in beta so we encourage everybody to submit bugs
or post new ideas.

     many thanks,

         hans-jürgen schönig

Hans-Jürgen Schönig
Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH
Gröhrmühlgasse 26
A-2700 Wiener Neustadt