Thread: pgAdmin 4 - Navigating by word not working

pgAdmin 4 - Navigating by word not working

Jack Royal-Gordon
Hi Guys,

In the Query panel on pgAdmin 4 1.1 on Mac OS X 10.12, when keying a query, navigation by word (e.g. option-arrow) does
notwork; instead it jumps to the beginning/end of the line, and cmd-arrow (which should jump to begin/end of line) does
nothing.It seems like all the other shortcut keys (shift-arrow to select, cmd-c/x/v for cut and paste, etc.) seem to
workjust fine. 

Is this an oversight or a limitation of your framework? Navigation/selection by word is an extremely useful feature.


Re: pgAdmin 4 - Navigating by word not working

Neel Patel

Below are the shortcuts on Mac for navigation by word in Query tool.

Cmd+Option+Left  --->   Move left one word

Cmd+Option+Right   --->  Move right one word

Neel Patel

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 9:42 PM, Jack Royal-Gordon <> wrote:
Hi Guys,

In the Query panel on pgAdmin 4 1.1 on Mac OS X 10.12, when keying a query, navigation by word (e.g. option-arrow) does not work; instead it jumps to the beginning/end of the line, and cmd-arrow (which should jump to begin/end of line) does nothing. It seems like all the other shortcut keys (shift-arrow to select, cmd-c/x/v for cut and paste, etc.) seem to work just fine.

Is this an oversight or a limitation of your framework? Navigation/selection by word is an extremely useful feature.


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