Thread: BUG #14354: Wrong interpretation of JSON 'null'

BUG #14354: Wrong interpretation of JSON 'null'


Re: BUG #14354: Wrong interpretation of JSON 'null'

Vitaly Burovoy
On 10/5/16, <> wrote:
> The following bug has been logged on the website:
> Bug reference:      14354
> Logged by:          Kouber Saparev
> Email address:
> PostgreSQL version: 9.4.5
> Operating system:   Fedora
> Description:
> Trying to pass 'null' to jsonb_each_text() results in an ERROR, while at the
> same time it is considered a valid JSON value. This behaviour seems quite
> inconsistent - either such a value should be considered invalid in general,
> either the function should treat it as a normal NULL instead.
> db=# select 'null'::jsonb;
>  jsonb
> -------
>  null
> (1 row)
> db=# select jsonb_each_text('null'::jsonb);
> ERROR:  cannot call jsonb_each_text on a non-object
> db=# select jsonb_each_text(NULL);
>  jsonb_each_text
> -----------------
> (0 rows)

It is not a bug. It works as expected.

1. NULL::jsonb is not the same as 'null'::jsonb
PG's NULL (not jsonb's 'null'!) as input returns NULL output.

2. Argument for jsonb_each_text should be a jsonb with an
_json-object_ at top-level (see types of primitives by [1] and [2]),
e.g. '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}' to produce pairs (key,

Your example has jsonb value with a null-value at top-level. The same
exception is raised if you send a json-string as an input:
db=# select jsonb_each_text('"str"'::jsonb);
ERROR:  cannot call jsonb_each_text on a non-object

P.S.: what you're expecting from the "select
jsonb_each_text('null'::jsonb)" call?

Best regards,
Vitaly Burovoy

Re: BUG #14354: Wrong interpretation of JSON 'null'

Kouber Saparev
Okay, I also saw in the source code that it is looking for an _json-object_
(whatever that means) and is throwing that error otherwise. The thing is -
in my perception the string 'null' , being valid json(b), should also be
treated as valid _json-object_, isn't it? Otherwise we are ending up with
valid json's and valid json-object's, and then perhaps it is a
documentation issue to clarify the difference between the two?

I would expect from select "jsonb_each_text('null'::jsonb)" to return an
empty result set (just the same as an SQL NULL), as indeed this is the
meaning - 'null' is an empty, but still a valid json object.

I am using jsonb_each_text() in another stored procedure I wrote myself to
make json_diff(jsonb, jsonb), and it is failing for the entire multimillion
table because of a few rows that had this 'null' string value. So I had to
explicitly alter its invokation to jsonb_each_text(nullif($1,
'null')::jsonb), which is a work-around, but yet I felt its an
inconsistency in PostgreSQL itself.

2016-10-05 17:08 GMT+03:00 Vitaly Burovoy <>:

> On 10/5/16, <> wrote:
> > The following bug has been logged on the website:
> >
> > Bug reference:      14354
> > Logged by:          Kouber Saparev
> > Email address:
> > PostgreSQL version: 9.4.5
> > Operating system:   Fedora
> > Description:
> >
> > Trying to pass 'null' to jsonb_each_text() results in an ERROR, while at
> the
> > same time it is considered a valid JSON value. This behaviour seems quite
> > inconsistent - either such a value should be considered invalid in
> general,
> > either the function should treat it as a normal NULL instead.
> >
> > db=# select 'null'::jsonb;
> >  jsonb
> > -------
> >  null
> > (1 row)
> >
> > db=# select jsonb_each_text('null'::jsonb);
> > ERROR:  cannot call jsonb_each_text on a non-object
> >
> > db=# select jsonb_each_text(NULL);
> >  jsonb_each_text
> > -----------------
> > (0 rows)
> It is not a bug. It works as expected.
> 1. NULL::jsonb is not the same as 'null'::jsonb
> PG's NULL (not jsonb's 'null'!) as input returns NULL output.
> 2. Argument for jsonb_each_text should be a jsonb with an
> _json-object_ at top-level (see types of primitives by [1] and [2]),
> e.g. '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}' to produce pairs (key,
> value).
> Your example has jsonb value with a null-value at top-level. The same
> exception is raised if you send a json-string as an input:
> db=# select jsonb_each_text('"str"'::jsonb);
> ERROR:  cannot call jsonb_each_text on a non-object
> P.S.: what you're expecting from the "select
> jsonb_each_text('null'::jsonb)" call?
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Best regards,
> Vitaly Burovoy

Re: BUG #14354: Wrong interpretation of JSON 'null'

Tom Lane
Kouber Saparev <> writes:
> Okay, I also saw in the source code that it is looking for an _json-object_
> (whatever that means) and is throwing that error otherwise. The thing is -
> in my perception the string 'null' , being valid json(b), should also be
> treated as valid _json-object_, isn't it?

No.  A JSON "object" is something with field names and values, like a
Perl hash.  JSON also has scalars and arrays; those are JSON values,
but not JSON objects.  'null' is a scalar, I think, although for some
purposes it might be better to view it as a fourth primitive kind of
JSON value.

jsonb_each_text() needs to work on a JSON object because otherwise its
return convention of returning a set of field names and values makes
no sense.  What would you imagine jsonb_each_text('2'::jsonb) ought
to do?  Similarly, there's not really any sensible interpretation
of jsonb_each_text('null'::jsonb).

> ... I felt its an
> inconsistency in PostgreSQL itself.

The distinction between objects and other kinds of JSON values is
drawn in the JSON standard; we did not make it up.  See

            regards, tom lane

Re: BUG #14354: Wrong interpretation of JSON 'null'

Vitaly Burovoy
On 10/6/16, Kouber Saparev <> wrote:
> 2016-10-05 17:08 GMT+03:00 Vitaly Burovoy <>:
>>On 10/5/16, <> wrote:
>>> The following bug has been logged on the website:
>>> Bug reference:      14354
>>> Logged by:          Kouber Saparev
>>> Email address:
>>> PostgreSQL version: 9.4.5
>>> Operating system:   Fedora
>>> Description:
>>> Trying to pass 'null' to jsonb_each_text() results in an ERROR, while
>>> at the same time it is considered a valid JSON value. This behaviour
>>> seems quite inconsistent - either such a value should be considered
>>> invalid in general, either the function should treat it as a normal NULL
>>> instead.
>>> db=# select 'null'::jsonb;
>>>  jsonb
>>> -------
>>>  null
>>> (1 row)
>>> db=# select jsonb_each_text('null'::jsonb);
>>> ERROR:  cannot call jsonb_each_text on a non-object
>>> db=# select jsonb_each_text(NULL);
>>>  jsonb_each_text
>>> -----------------
>>> (0 rows)
>> It is not a bug. It works as expected.
>> 1. NULL::jsonb is not the same as 'null'::jsonb
>> PG's NULL (not jsonb's 'null'!) as input returns NULL output.
>> 2. Argument for jsonb_each_text should be a jsonb with an
>> _json-object_ at top-level (see types of primitives by [1] and [2]),
>> e.g. '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}' to produce pairs (key,
>> value).
>> Your example has jsonb value with a null-value at top-level. The same
>> exception is raised if you send a json-string as an input:
>> db=# select jsonb_each_text('"str"'::jsonb);
>> ERROR:  cannot call jsonb_each_text on a non-object
>> P.S.: what you're expecting from the "select
>> jsonb_each_text('null'::jsonb)" call?
> Okay, I also saw in the source code that it is looking for an _json-object_
> (whatever that means)

It means mapping "key-value".

> and is throwing that error otherwise. The thing is -
> in my perception the string 'null' , being valid json(b),

Yes, it is. But JSON primitive 'null' is not a mapping "key-value".

> should also be treated as valid _json-object_, isn't it?

No. Unfortunately, JavaSctipt (its 2 letters are in the acronym
"JSON") uses the word "object" instead of "mapping" or "dictionary"
that leads to misunderstanding.
The string 'null' is a valid JSON object in meaning it can be parsed
according to its rules, but it is not JSON-object in meaning of

> Otherwise we are ending up with
> valid json's and valid json-object's, and then perhaps it is a
> documentation issue to clarify the difference between the two?

The table by [1] mentions it.
The second note from the bottom in [2] pays your attention to it.

> I would expect from select "jsonb_each_text('null'::jsonb)" to return an
> empty result set (just the same as an SQL NULL), as indeed this is the
> meaning - 'null' is an empty, but still a valid json object.

But your expectation is wrong since JSON value is not empty, it has
the single primitive of 'nulltype'.

> I am using jsonb_each_text() in another stored procedure I wrote myself to
> make json_diff(jsonb, jsonb), and it is failing for the entire multimillion
> table because of a few rows that had this 'null' string value. So I had to
> explicitly alter its invokation to jsonb_each_text(nullif($1,
> 'null')::jsonb), which is a work-around, but yet I felt its an
> inconsistency in PostgreSQL itself.

It is confusing, but it is the same as if someone asks you to:
1) count letters in an unknown phrase,
2) count letters in the 'unknown phrase'.

In the first case your answer is "I don't know" -- it is SQL's NULL, thereas
in the second case your answer is "13 without a space".

The only difference between those cases are quotes which defines or
not "objects" (strings).


Best regards,
Vitaly Burovoy

Re: BUG #14354: Wrong interpretation of JSON 'null'

Kouber Saparev
It looks like I do not know enough about the JSON type and I was treating
it always like an object with keys and values. You are absolutely correct,
now I see that I can really:

db=# select '2'::jsonb;
(1 row)

Which explains everything.


2016-10-06 15:47 GMT+03:00 Tom Lane <>:

> Kouber Saparev <> writes:
> > Okay, I also saw in the source code that it is looking for an
> _json-object_
> > (whatever that means) and is throwing that error otherwise. The thing is
> -
> > in my perception the string 'null' , being valid json(b), should also be
> > treated as valid _json-object_, isn't it?
> No.  A JSON "object" is something with field names and values, like a
> Perl hash.  JSON also has scalars and arrays; those are JSON values,
> but not JSON objects.  'null' is a scalar, I think, although for some
> purposes it might be better to view it as a fourth primitive kind of
> JSON value.
> jsonb_each_text() needs to work on a JSON object because otherwise its
> return convention of returning a set of field names and values makes
> no sense.  What would you imagine jsonb_each_text('2'::jsonb) ought
> to do?  Similarly, there's not really any sensible interpretation
> of jsonb_each_text('null'::jsonb).
> > ... I felt its an
> > inconsistency in PostgreSQL itself.
> The distinction between objects and other kinds of JSON values is
> drawn in the JSON standard; we did not make it up.  See
>                         regards, tom lane