Thread: bytea type shows different size on FreeBSD

bytea type shows different size on FreeBSD

I'm using psycopg-2.4 beta1 on FreeBSD and it is giving me a size that is twice the actual size for the bytea field on a table. In OSX and Linux using the same psycopg2 version the size is listed as 6151 (which is correct) while under FreeBSD it lists the size as 12303.

Has anyone else encountered this, or is there some way I can do further debugging to determine the cause?

Re: bytea type shows different size on FreeBSD

Daniele Varrazzo
On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 12:48 AM, Landreville
<> wrote:
> I'm using psycopg-2.4 beta1 on FreeBSD and it is giving me a size that is
> twice the actual size for the bytea field on a table. In OSX and Linux using
> the same psycopg2 version the size is listed as 6151 (which is correct)
> while under FreeBSD it lists the size as 12303.
> Has anyone else encountered this, or is there some way I can do further
> debugging to determine the cause?

Do you have a sample of what you receive? E.g. the first 100 bytes
with a "print repr(cur.fetchone()[0][:100])"?

Could you be in the problematic situation of a PostgreSQL 9.0 with the
previous version on the client? The problems is detailed in a faq at
see "Transferring binary data from PostgreSQL 9.0 doesn’t work".


-- Daniele