Thread: Add a page addressing ECCN

Add a page addressing ECCN

Selena Deckelmann

I am asked about 3x a year about ECCN and PostgreSQL.

Here's the blurb I've been sending to people about it:

Sun acquired an ECCN for PostgreSQL version 8.3 (current released version of PostgreSQL  is 9.3) for shipping it with Solaris, I believe. However, this does not belong to the project as a whole.

If you wish to apply for an export control number yourself, PostgreSQL contains MD5 and blowfish encryption in add-on libraries which are optional. See pgcrypto for details:  Beyond
filing the paperwork, developers involved did not recall any special issues with getting a control number for 8.3.

Remember that PostgreSQL is not, technically, a US product.  So if you are not a US company yourself, you don't need to worry about export control.

Could we add a page addressing this?   I am happy to wordsmith this a bit more to make it more appropriate for a web page.
