Thread: SSH keys wiped out?

SSH keys wiped out?

Josh Berkus

I've had reports from the various RCs that their SSH keys were wiped
from their profiles.  I checked mine and ... whaddya know ... wiped
clean as well.

I've already sent instructions to the RCs on how to replace them, but
thought you should know about the bug/error.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

Re: SSH keys wiped out?

Magnus Hagander
<p dir="ltr">That sounds strange. I did change a view that had an incorrect rule in it, but it should be read only.<p
dir="ltr">Justto be clear, where exactly did you check and see it was wiped? Full url please. <p dir="ltr">/Magnus <div
class="gmail_quote">OnAug 23, 2012 7:08 PM, "Josh Berkus" <<a
href=""></a>>wrote:<br type="attribution" /><blockquote class="gmail_quote"
style="margin:00 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"> WWW,<br /><br /> I've had reports from the
variousRCs that their SSH keys were wiped<br /> from their profiles.  I checked mine and ... whaddya know ... wiped<br
/>clean as well.<br /><br /> I've already sent instructions to the RCs on how to replace them, but<br /> thought you
shouldknow about the bug/error.<br /><br /> --<br /> Josh Berkus<br /> PostgreSQL Experts Inc.<br /><a
href=""target="_blank"></a><br /><br /><br /> --<br /> Sent via pgsql-www
mailinglist (<a href=""></a>)<br /> To make changes to your
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