Thread: Re: [DOCS] Doc fixes and improvements

Re: [DOCS] Doc fixes and improvements

"Kevin Grittner"
> Bruce Momjian  wrote:
> Thom Brown wrote:
>> >
>> Right, I've had a moment to made some changes. I've tweaked the
>> javascript and went with the != comparison and changes. Also I
>> think I *was* mistaken with not introducing bold for a set of
>> keywords. Obviously I sneaked that in at some point to see how it
>> would look but didn't recall doing so.
>> So the latest changes are on my version (like your link above)
>> again.  Have I missed anyone's existing recommendations out?
>> How's it look in Konqueror? I think it does look less brash than
>> before; I think Tom was right that it was too in-your-face. Does
>> it need toning down more?  Other suggestions?
> Looks great to me!
The text size links don't see to do anything in Konqueror, although
they work for me in Firefox.
Font sizes look OK except that the bold words look like they might be
a little taller than non-bold text in the normal font size, and they
are definitely taller in Firefox in the large font size.  Oddly, if I
start with the large font size in Firefox and manually zoom in or out
from the default zoom level (using Ctrl++ and Ctrl+-), the difference
goes back to the "I think the bold words are a little taller, but I'm
not entirely sure" level.  Going to the default zoom level the bold
words jump back to the taller relative size.  Overall, though,
zooming works pretty well -- it should be "special needs friendly".
Personally, I think we went too subtle with the shadings, but then I
really liked the python page which Bruce offered as an example of
something which really bugged him.  I wonder if we can find a level
in between that works for everyone, though -- it's mildly distracting
to me that the current color shifts so much as a box scrolls from the
bottom of the screen to the top, or I move right or left a little.
Removing the bold effect on the keywords was definitely a good move.

Re: [DOCS] Doc fixes and improvements

Thom Brown
On 12 September 2010 17:07, Kevin Grittner <> wrote:
> The text size links don't see to do anything in Konqueror, although
> they work for me in Firefox.

Do the text size controls on the current live site work on Konqueror?

> Font sizes look OK except that the bold words look like they might be
> a little taller than non-bold text in the normal font size, and they
> are definitely taller in Firefox in the large font size.  Oddly, if I
> start with the large font size in Firefox and manually zoom in or out
> from the default zoom level (using Ctrl++ and Ctrl+-), the difference
> goes back to the "I think the bold words are a little taller, but I'm
> not entirely sure" level.  Going to the default zoom level the bold
> words jump back to the taller relative size.  Overall, though,
> zooming works pretty well -- it should be "special needs friendly".

Do you have similar problems with the current documentation for this too?

Thom Brown
Twitter: @darkixion
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