Thread: [Fwd: [webmaster] small accessibility issue]

[Fwd: [webmaster] small accessibility issue]

Dave Page
Can someone look at this please?

Thanks, Dave

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     [webmaster] small accessibility issue
Date:     Fri, 9 Nov 2007 02:35:53 -0200
From:     Michael Cetrulo

hello, I've found a little accessibility issue with the "normal / large"
feature of the site and is that it blocks keyboard interaction, I like
to use only the keyboard to browse and read manuals but that feature
reject keyboard interaction without reason.

looking at the code:

<div id="docTextSize">Text Size: <
a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet('Normal Text'); return false;"
onkeypress="return false;" title="Normal Text Size"
>Normal</a> / <a href="#" onclick
="setActiveStyleSheet('Large Text'); return false;" onkeypress="return
title="Large Text Size">Large</a></div>

it seems that it explicitely blocks keyboard events and this in my
opinion is totally unnecesary, you should change the onkeypress= "return
false;" with onkeypress= "if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.charCode ==
13 ) {setActiveStyleSheet('Normal Text'); return false;}" for the first
link and onkeypress= "if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.charCode == 13 )
{setActiveStyleSheet('Large Text'); return false;}" for the second; that
way it will not only allow keyboard interaction but also prevent the
cursor to get stuck there when you're navigating links with the tab key.

ps: if you're concerned with browser compatibility here's a nice article
on the matter