Thread: Search function: is it possible to put up 8.x documentation first?

Search function: is it possible to put up 8.x documentation first?

"Harald Armin Massa"
I searched on the excellent and quick search function on the <a href=""></a><br
/><br/>constraint definition<br /><br />Results 1 up to 5 deal with ancient releases:<br /><br />7.1<br />7.4<br
/>7.4<br/> 7.3<br />7.3<br /><br />Releases, that usually make Tom comment "please upgrade to somewhat more recent" on
11out of 10 support requests.<br /><br clear="all" />Is it possible to give a boost to more current documentations? <br
/><br/><br />Harald<br /><br /><br /><br />-- <br />GHUM Harald Massa<br />persuadere et programmare<br />Harald Armin
Massa<br/>Reinsburgstraße 202b<br />70197 Stuttgart<br />0173/9409607<br />fx 01212-5-13695179 <br />-<br />Python: the
onlylanguage with more web frameworks than keywords.  

Re: Search function: is it possible to put up 8.x documentation first?

Magnus Hagander
Harald Armin Massa wrote:
> I searched on the excellent and quick search function on the
> <>
> constraint definition
> Results 1 up to 5 deal with ancient releases:
> 7.1
> 7.4
> 7.4
> 7.3
> 7.3
> Releases, that usually make Tom comment "please upgrade to somewhat more
> recent" on 11 out of 10 support requests.
> Is it possible to give a boost to more current documentations?

Yeah, that's on my TODO list. Unfortunately, it's been sitting on that
list for a long time :-(
