Thread: slowness with holdable cursor

slowness with holdable cursor

"Andrea Grassi"
I have a problem of fastness with "declare xxx cursor WITH HOLD". My
postgres version is 7.4.6
I have a table with 20000 rows named "base_a_artico"

If I use "declare a cursor with hold for select cdart,descr from
base_a_artico" outside a transaction I wait 2 seconds.
If I use the same statement (or the similar without "WITH HOLD") inside a
trasaction, I wait only 4 msec (milliseconds) !!!
I don't understand why this happens ....
I have to set some parameters in the postgresql.conf ?


Andrea Grassi

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Re: slowness with holdable cursor


On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 11:33 +0200, Andrea Grassi wrote:
> I have a problem of fastness with "declare xxx cursor WITH HOLD".

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