Thread: Web Site Footers

Web Site Footers

Simon Riggs
New Web site looks very good.

The Footer seems to be misplaced on some pages...

I'm using Mozilla 1.7.3 on FC2

By footer, I mean: pgFooter div
Privacy Policy... etc

By misplaced, I mean
it isn't at the bottom, it is in a different place on each of the pages
mentioned, but at a constant height on each, about 2/3 of the way down
the page so it obscures other menu items or page details.
This is consistent even when I refresh each page.
The footer is just "too high", i.e. is a distance above where it ought
to be on that page.
The position is constant even when resizing the window.

The error seems to occur when the test on the page is fairly short, so
the footer seems to be immediately following the text of the middle
section, even when the sponsor's ad is further down the page. Looks like
a minimum height is needed on the pgContent div??

Best Regards, Simon Riggs