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New News Entry

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Database Admin:

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Headline: eva/3 Multi-platform supports PostgreSQL

The <a href = \"\"></a>, a software company from germany, presents a new plugin for
thepopular integrated development environment Eclipse that offers an interface to PostgreSQL. 


The <a href = \"\"></a>, a software company from germany, presents a new plugin for
thepopular integrated development environment Eclipse. The subsidiary company of opta data Abrechnungs GmbH provide
its,in JAVA implemented <a href = \"\">programming tool</a> since may this
year.This comfortable and efficient tool is similar to Microsoft Access in some areas. 
The eva/3 Multi-platform offers additives for professional and unexperienced developer. In areas like database
managementas well as form and report design the user is supported extensively. 
With drag & drop operations, databases can be converted into several DBMS (Database Management Systems). At this,
interfacesto databases Sybase® SQL Anywhere, Microsoft® SQLServer 2000, MySQL®, IBM® DB2, Oracle®, Parkway Microfocus,
HSQLDBand PostgreSQL are placed at the disposal. Thereby eva/3 Multi-platform allows the modifications of tables, views
andSQL-queries. SQL-Statements can be prosseced graphically. 
In the form designer of eva/3 Multi-platform surfaces can be build in modern layouts. Both prefabricated and self
createdcomponents can be placed into a form. Numerous visual and functional properties of all components are editable
ina property window. 
To prepare data sets for a print the eva/3 Multi-platform has an integrated report designer. It can group, filter and
sortselected data and then print it or save as a pdf-file. 
Overall the new eva/3 Multi-platform is a mature programming tool for professional application development.<br>
This software is free of charge for non-commercial use. For commercial use a licence must be bought.