Thread: Patching Techdocs, Where is Developer?

Patching Techdocs, Where is Developer?

Josh Berkus

Attached is a CVS Patch for Techdocs.   Is this how you want me to submit site
changes in the future?

Second, where is located?    Both Wade and I would
like to update it, but it's not part of CVS and I can't find it on the main
web server.   Where is it?

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco


Re: Patching Techdocs, Where is Developer?

Robert Treat
On Monday 24 November 2003 15:02, Josh Berkus wrote:
> Dave,
> Attached is a CVS Patch for Techdocs.   Is this how you want me to submit
> site changes in the future?

Well, this should hit you like a brick to the gut.... your format for the
patch was excellent, but while I can commit it, it wouldn't actually show up
on the real site.  The techdocs code in CVS was code I imported when I
started to move the techdocs site from the old jobs VM to the new www VM.
After I got all of that code working in cvs, we ran into problems setting up
zope to do the wiki/guides portion of the site on the main www server. If I
recall Dave/Marc/Justin gave it a go round but none of them were able to get
it working.  I was considering just pulling down the content from the guides
into static files and putting them into CVS, but around that time Justin
installed plone and you and a few others said you were going to port the site
to bricolage. Well, plone didnt work out and bricolage hasn't happened, so
the code just sat on the server in a quasi official state, since I made
changes to the code in cvs in order to do porting, and others have modified
the code on the server making them even more out of synch.  At one point I
had decided to start moving some of the techdocs content to www since I
thought it fit better there and thought that this could get it into the main
web support system, but this was after Andreas was quite a ways into his
translation scheme so I didn't seem fruitfull to really move anything until
after that work was complete, which of course has stalled as well :-(

> Second, where is located?    Both Wade and I would
> like to update it, but it's not part of CVS and I can't find it on the main
> web server.   Where is it?

It lives on another VM, and I don't think the code is in CVS at all...

you know just thinking about all of this and what a quagmire it has become is
quite depressing.   Especially when you consider we already have postgresql
related content being posted at the general bits site, and we have several
people working on yet another site redesign...

I've come to the conclusion that what we really need for techdocs is an
openacs type system, where articles can be published that cannot be modified
by everyone in the world, but anyone can add comments to the article.  But
probably before that I think eveyone needs to take a look at andreas code and
make a decision on if that is what we are going to implement for www. If it
is then nothing else gets committed untill his code is up and running, and if
its not then we scrap it and move on to the next plan.  We have too many
people going in too many different directions right now, and I don't see us
making any progress...

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

Re: Patching Techdocs, Where is Developer?

Josh Berkus

So, then, I ssh in to directly?   I'll look for my

> I've come to the conclusion that what we really need for techdocs is an
> openacs type system, where articles can be published that cannot be modified
> by everyone in the world, but anyone can add comments to the article.

I talked to the OpenACS folks, but they don't have any kind of pre-built CMS
... it's still very much "roll-your-own".   That's the reason I decided not
to pursue that system.

Bricolage will give us editorial control, but not comments.

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco