Thread: [PG 9.1 beta] Could not open relation

[PG 9.1 beta] Could not open relation

Emanuel Calvo
I configured Sync servers just for a test, and sometimes it appears the
following error during a SELECT statement in the slave node:

ERROR:  could not open relation with OID 16395
LINE 1: select * from prueba where i in (1,1000)

I have Ubuntu Linux dell-desktop 2.6.32-27-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Wed
Dec 1 23:52:12 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

To replicate the error I'm executing a simple script:

bin/psql -p6666 -Upostgres -c 'DROP TABLE prueba; create table prueba
as select i, clock_timestamp() from generate_series(1,1000) i(i)'

for v in 6666 6667 ; do

  bin/psql -p${v} -Upostgres -c 'select * from prueba where i in (1,1000)'


bin/psql -1 -p6666 -Upostgres  << _QUERY_
  DROP TABLE prueba;
  SET synchronous_commit=local;
  create table prueba (
    ahora   timestamp PRIMARY KEY,
    ahorita timestamp
  insert into prueba values (now(), clock_timestamp()) returning
ahora, ahorita;
  insert into prueba values (clock_timestamp(), clock_timestamp())
returning ahora, ahorita;
  select pg_sleep(1);

echo Prueba Async
for v in 6666 6667 ; do
  bin/psql -p${v} -Upostgres -c 'select * from prueba'

I will enable logging_collector and try to reproduce the error with more output.


              Emanuel Calvo