Thread: ERROR: cannot drop objects owned by role postgres because they are required by the database system


[Release]: 9.0beta1

[Test Type]: psql CLI

[Test]: Trying to perform basic change ownership operations using psql; percursor to dropping the postgres role.

[Platform]: Solaris SPARC 4u (E450)

[Parameters]: Objective:  replace postgres user with 'admin', then drop 'postgres'.  First, trying to change ownerships of system objects...


postgres=# REASSIGN OWNED BY postgres TO admin;

- ERROR:  cannot drop objects owned by role postgres because they are required by the database system

postgres=# ALTER DATABASE postgres OWNER TO admin;

postgres=# REASSIGN OWNED BY postgres TO admin;

- ERROR:  cannot drop objects owned by role postgres because they are required by the database system

postgres=# \c postgres admin                   

- You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "admin".

postgres=# DROP role postgres;

- ERROR:  cannot drop role postgres because it is required by the database system  (Makes sense!)

postgres=# REASSIGN OWNED BY postgres TO admin;

- ERROR:  cannot drop objects owned by role postgres because they are required by the database system

[Failure]: Dunno? 


postgres=# REASSIGN OWNED BY postgres TO admin;

- ERROR:  cannot drop objects owned by role postgres because they are required by the database system

[Comments]: Should we be able to get rid of the postgres user 'elegantly'?  Is there a way to REASSIGN without DROPping?  Perhaps new design precludes this?  Documentation opportunity?